Political truths that are worth sharing but aren’t funny

Again positing this is true would negate the need for mental health treatment or expertise. I think this is something that sounds nice but it’s not true. People often have built images of themselves in their own minds that are just not based in reality. Certainly everyone has thought about themselves more than anyone else, but people are generally not great thinkers so all that thinking is often constructing things that just aren’t true. Sorry I am not convinced this is true, but I could still be persuaded possibly.



Should have a thread for things that fit this description. About half of this thread should be moved there.

I feel like my knowledge of what you’re trying to get across in this sentence is likely than yours.

But if it’s what I think, apply it to Donald Trump & get back to us.

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Donald Trump is exactly who I was thinking of :joy:

I know more about him than he will ever admit to about himself.

But are you talking about his gender identity? True, he might not acknowledge any tendencies besides heterosexual male even if they existed, and even if they were predominant.

The meme was really about people who had some doubts about being heterosexual and their birth gender (even convictions that those do not fit them), and many times people who are not mental health experts think they know better than the person whose state of mind is being considered.

I think you’ve answered your own question. Surely if DJT is anything less than 1000% heterosexual male he knows himself less than everyone else could know him, Stormy in particular.

Does Donald like full figured women because he prefers their looks or he prefers how they look on his arm to others? Can I answer that question? Can he answer it about himself?

Ranking on “truths worth sharing” scale outweighs ranking on “aren’t funny” scale.

The whole thing?

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OK to post truths that make you smile here.

Counter: Peeps are EVIL!!!

truth. In the cartoon, not the news




I think the connection between reading the books they are banning and turning into democrats is pretty remote. OTOH, many of the people whose reading habits are threatened are well below voting age now.

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I thought this was already posted?

Could be, but I don’t think by me. I just showed up in my FB today, or maybe late yesterday. I don’t think there’s a good way to search GoActuary for images, and likely wouldn’t search even if there was.


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Maybe it’s funny. Certainly it’s true and worth sharing.

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Even if not political, worth sharing.