Political truths that are worth sharing but aren’t funny

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when someone overestimates their knowledge or abilities in a particular area.

The graph.

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I find that interesting because most of my family are specialists but outside our area of expertise the attitude is ‘trust the scientists’.

Ill often lookup medical stuff online, and mention it to my doctor as ‘guess what i read on the internet?’. Couple times theyve laughed with a ‘no, you shoul stick to insurance’. And i just blindly accept that.

I am pretty good at everything other than understanding Trump voters.

the 20’s were ROARING


I wonder if there’ll be a slow down in the RTO push because the CEOs might not want to lead by example.

I’d think they’ll just get the bodyguard, evasive driving class, bulletproof glass, and a better barrier between their office and everyone else.

Kind of like Dow Chemical in the 70s. How do you respond to protests and threats against the production of napalm? Build an underground garage for the execs so they aren’t exposed walking in the door.


With Donald Trump’s musings about annexing Canada, I am reminded of the contrast with JFK’s words when he addressed the Canadian parliament in 1961:

Geography has made us neighbours. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies.


Is this a truth? Surprised me, but easier to post here than google it. Maybe not way off, but I would have expected red to be highest, and green maybe to beat purple. But I guess maybe there is a lot of low density area in China.

India has passed China in population, both are at about 1.4 billion so you need to add an extra 600 million to each. Bangladesh and Pakistan both have high population densities, so it makes sense to me.


From a former AO poster’s Facebook:


Musk and Trump have been living in a world where they are used to everyone just following their orders. Welcome to the real world guys where you do not just dictate the outcome.



Her show is awesome.


It’s barely a truth. If you were throwing rocks in 1960, that would make you, what, about 85 now? They’ve already finished raising their little racists.