So, mansplaining.
From one of my favourite American historians:
“History is important. If you don’t know history it is as if you were born yesterday. And if you were born yesterday, anybody up there in a position of power can tell you anything, and you have no way of checking up on it.
Howard Zinn
There should be a “Great post” button, for more than a simple “Like”. Or is this a test “Is the post good enough that I would create an alt to like it?” No, not that good.
I would say just allow emoji reaction and not just like, but I could also see that not ending well.
A curated list of emojis probably.
“FrEe HiM”?! ugh, is this guy gonna be the new Leonard Peltier?
(all through college some of the more activist type classmates on campus were always “Free Mumia” this and “Free Leonard Peltier” that, as if they were folk heroes too. Although Mumia’s case in particular does seem to have been on shakier ground.)
The death rate was over 100%?
Still resulted in permanent physical harm to my grandma that persisted through the rest of her life.
I think the Y-axis is relative change in death rate rather than absolute percentage.
Right, that was my second reaction… just looks like a dodgy way of showing the data.
Of 1920 deaths, yes. It uses 1920 as the baseline.
I find this graph more informative. Polio can cause a lot of harm, even if it doesn’t kill you. Also death rate/case rate is not close to 1 around 1920.