People ignore that Trump is a bad guy because they don’t like being preached at and condescended to by the Democrats and headlines went to h%^& under Biden (ME, Ukraine, border). Then toss in disruptions due to inflation and the deeply unpopular changes to tittle 9 issues and you loose a lot of votes.
Yes exactly, they let a bunch of random bullshit get under their skin because they are weak. No doubt this random bad guy will fix all their stupid problems that they don’t understand.
If you ask a teen girl why she eloped with the local crank dealer, she will have a similarly long list of answers for you, but few of them will actually involve the crank dealer.
None of them will be “I’m a teenager who makes bad decisions.”
What they really want is someone to tell them that other people will get hurt, and hurt badly, if they vote for him, because they (and he) are sociopaths.
Too bad they will also get hurt.
Ouch, too real, too real…
Not sure if Canadians have anything to be happy about. We are not insulated from a Trump term.
(Canadian Heritage Minutes is a frequent tv feature about events in Canadian history.)
Quite appropriate for a strand of discussion that is happening on the “Trump’s impact on culture” thread.
I mean… it is pretty unconstitutional. Freedom of heat, and all that.
The premise for a new post-apocalyptic sitcom, “The Ricksons.”
I miss Rickson. Sometimes its nice to have a pet intelligent nutball to use as a crazy yardstick.
I have a ‘rule’. No white trash signs in the house…like love laugh love. The rule is necessary because without it, we’d have those signs.
But in the case of the thermodynamics saying, that one I would allow.