Thread for Dad advice
Any teachers/academics willing to do me?
Hey there, kiddos! Gather 'round for some top-notch Dadvice! Remember, I’ve been around the block a few times, so listen up…or I’LL TURN THIS CAR AROUND!!!
Happy thots
Sad thots
Annoyed thots
Random thots (My favorite)
Buying a bridge
This guy has been trying to sell me this bridge in Brooklyn for a while, and I think I might pull thr trigger
Reduced prosciutto time?
(how i misread the original thread at first)
Where should I go on vaccination?
I really need a vaccination but will probably wait until Christmas or Easter.
Thread to make fun of thots’ posts
OK OK, I think I’ve exhausted the thot thing…
Although, maybe my next dating adventure will be titled T-roy’s thots…hmmmm
JFG thongs
2023 Raises Pole
I’ve been happy to see 2023 so far.
Adulterizing your parents is hard
You don’t get to be a gyro on January 6 if you had the chance to say “This is ridiculous. What is Lettuce doing in here?" beforehand, but you kept your mouth shut.
Nationalize the Alfalfa
Bug Hall for President (Let’s Go Brandon? )
Office Pants Pix
Misred tings (get it)
Thread to bump when you wear your glasses in the shower
Thread to bump when you have a nose beer.
Hate on you SOBs
Attempted Coop of the United States of America
…is a myth:
Praying for Financial Advice or Services
I’m in such dire financial straits that I’ve started calling to a higher power.