Parody threads - works in progress

Polo making a combeback?
:horse_racing: :person_playing_water_polo: :man_playing_water_polo: :woman_playing_water_polo: :marco:

Polio making a combback. I do the same to cover my bald spot.

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Yeah, polo is usually played on a flat field, not a short valley or hollow on a hillside or coastline.

Should I try THE backdoor method?

Can you deduct deflated footballs from your taxes?

Asking for Tom Brady

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Improved health and lifestyle from quitting drinking bleach

Do you twerk outside the house?

Ruining thread

Roasters I miss: Kenny Roger’s chicken. That was good stuff.

Not Funny - SFW

Challenge: Up for a Bridge?

Coffee shop stripping

Make me smile

No, seriously, something isn’t right and I am feeling sad…

Android thoughts

I’m in a gut - Probiotics

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Party threads

Goa/AO style - there is a little private goup though in the works.

Random thighs

VIP Thread

I’m in a hut

Not my choice of ideal vacation accommodations but I’m making the best of it


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