Opening schools increase the spread of COVID-19 ~24%

The authors looked at restrictions by county in the UK, and how those correlated (lagged) to changes in the reproduction rate (R) of covid in those counties. Interventions they examined included school closure, workplace closure, bans on public gatherings of more than ten people, requirements to stay at home, and internal movement limits. They saw some correlation in the expected directions for all of these, but the only ones that appeared statistically significant in their data were school bans (and relaxation thereof) and restrictions on gatherings of more than 10 people.

Just a coincidence!!!11~~!

For better or worse, my kids are starting their first week of hybrid schooling. They are in the cohort that does asynchronous learning M T and in-person R F, with some video calls W. So, my kindergartener gets to go to a real classroom for his first real day of school in three days. I am elated for the experience, worried about the exposure, and all sorts of things in between for various other reasons.

Our school district is one of only a few in the area that has been entirely remote for the year. Many schools have been in person since August. I’m curious to see if cases increase as a result, with the teachers currently getting vaccinated in our county. I tend to think the case increase will be less than it would have been in the fall, but time will tell.

My kids just started full time today for the 1st time this year. They started out hybrid in September, then switched to all online as Covid ran wild through my state in November, and just just went back full time today.

A handful of teachers have already got at least 1 shot, so hopefully the supply chains hold/speed up and they can continue to get vaccinated (well, at least those that aren’t anti-vaxxers).

And the “good thing” about already having the 'Vid go through our house is that I am not worried about my kids getting it and passing it on to others. But hopefully our community as a whole keeps the spread low and numbers down with this increased interactions.

My daughter in HS has been on-line all year long which will continue for the rest of this school year we’ve been told. It may also extend into next fall I’m told.

Some private schools are open for in person though I think they’ve gone in and out of distance learning and in person class room as the Christian School we walk by every morning has sometimes had student drop off and sometimes gone dark on student drop off with just the little kids daycare center open for long stretches. My neighbor down the street has their little kids both under 6th grade in private school and she said they were in person.

We moved my 2 middle school kids to Catholic school (full-time in school 5 days a week) after 2 days of awful online learning at the public school. The private school has not shut down once for COVID (twice for snow, though…tomorrow’s the third). Somehow, they’ve been able to figure it out.

Hmmm, I wonder how? :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

No teacher’s union. Kids’ best interests at heart. Smart administration that realizes that most of these kids are safer in school than they are at home. To list a few…



At will employees who can be fired for not wanting to die of COVID, got it.

I don’t know about the US, but in my country private schools have a lot less students than state schools and so there is more scope for social distancing and less mixing of households. Not only that but households who are able to afford school fees are likely to be in a profession where they are working from home and are at less risk of catching covid.

Yes, it’s true here in the US too. It’s not because they care more as EC is suggesting… :roll_eyes:

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Eh, that’s probably true of the non-parochial private schools, but at least where I live the parochial schools have a lot of low income kids. They have a lot of scholarships and stuff. Catholic kids have a lower rack rate than non-Catholics (kind of like in-state vs out-of-state tuition at public universities) but there’s lots of opportunities for both Catholics and non-Catholics to pay substantially less than the rack rates, all the way down to $0.

I went to a school in a predominantly blue collar area and judging by Facebook an awful lot of my classmates are in blue collar or lower paying white collar work themselves and are sending their kids to Catholic schools.

Of course a lot of the suburban schools around here are open anyway but the big city school district is not. Which is causing a lot of consternation because those are the kids who most need to be in school.

And I should add that it’s absolutely the teachers union that is keeping the city school district closed. Several teachers I know in the district are pretty fed up with the union and strongly feel that the union should be looking for how to make it safer to open, not just flatly refusing to go back. It feels kind of ridiculous when so many other districts are back in person. And especially now that most teachers have the first dose of the vaccine and will soon have the second.

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I interview for my college, and I’ve interviews seniors from three of the four local schools. Both public schools are hybrid, and the private school is full time in person. (Dunno about the other private school.)

A friend who is on the board of trustees at the private school says applications are way up because parents want their kids at school.

The kids doing hybrid tell me it’s working, though. They say that last spring when things closed with no plan it was a mess, but this fall the schools and teachers planned for it, things are going pretty well. They miss the social interaction of full time school, but two of the three told me they like the flexibility of remote learning and can spend more time on understanding stuff.

These are all academically motivated kids who have a private bedroom and their own computer for school.

I’ve also been tutoring kids at an urban school with mostly poor kids without a family history of academic success. They are full time remote, and it’s not going well. I’ve talked to some who are literally balancing work with school. That is, they are on site at work while texting me about their math assignments, during class time. A lot of the kids just don’t show up.

The academic motivation is a bigger issue than being poor, though. I have a friend who is a high school physics teacher at a magnet school in a poor district of Chicago. He says his kids never turn on the camera, and he suspects many are sitting on the toilet during class because that’s a private room with a door. He doesn’t know the race or sex of half his kids. He had to trim the syllabus a little because he has fewer class hours. But, he says, despite all that, his kids did better on the first semester final this year than last.

None of the teachers I’ve spoken with wants to go back in person. Physics teacher had to teach from the classroom for a while (kids at home) and he bitched about the bad HVAC, wore an n95 mask fill time, and stressed about infecting his family of he got exposed. He’s delighted to be teaching from his living room. The teachers I’m supporting locally also think it’s too dangerous to reach in person.

These are all at high school. Elementary school is a different beast, and my cousin, who administers a nursery school, has worked hard to keep the kids in class. (She did know a hell of a lot about covid testing options, though, when we needed that.)

Private schools may have more square feet per kid, and better hvac than aging urban schools. But yeah, they also have teachers they can threaten to fire.

A lot of teachers have quit this year. Another friend who teaches middle school computer science told the administration that if they made her show up in person she would quit. She’s teaching remotely this year, largely because she had the economic clout to make that choice.


I do know one teacher who has been rather vocal about not going back to work. I’m having a hard time being sympathetic when all of my friends who are doctors, nurses, physical therapists, speech pathologists, massage therapists, police officers, etc. are all working and facing lots of people in the course of their in-person jobs.

And several friends have kids working in grocery stores. I’m not trying to be an insensitive jerk, but I’m not sure why teachers are uniquely unable to work.

Um, the thread title says it all.
Another example of “My wants are more important than Society’s needs.”

The thread title is pre-vaccine. I’m talking about now.

Teachers and other people who work in school buildings were not in the front of the line.

“Other schools have kids on site, how do THEY do it?” Those schools are run by idiots and weak-willed people not willing to stand up to bullying parents.

Quick note: it’s not forever. It’s just until the vaccines can be administered to “front-line” teachers. Impatience leads to Inpatients (trademark slogan pending). Sorry, you parents have to be actual parents 24/7 instead of 16/5 and 24/2.

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Huh, around here teachers and other school employees are 1B and are currently being vaccinated. So no, not the front of the line (not 1A) but pretty high priority. :woman_shrugging:

I think the wording says something about already or anticipate being in-person.

So some curriculum specialist in the district office who worked remotely even pre-Covid wouldn’t qualify. But the school secretary / janitor / lunch lady all would.