:swear: Found myself very sure of the remaining 3, but only one guess left.
:swear: It’s too easy to not see the entire guess history on a word, even though you can scroll to see all the guesses at the same time. I blew two guesses thinking a letter has been eliminated, when in fact it had been yellow in guess 1. Avoid those two impossible guesses, and I almost certainly solve it in time. (Only almost certainly, since I did get some useful info from them.)
Maybe we had different games, WHICH wasn’t even a word in mine. I would have recognized WHICH as a word. I was surprised in the practice game by MOULT I did try it in that practice game, and while I would have been happy to try it in this game anyway, it was the only 5 letter string that was possible when I got it here.
Especially after seeing it in a practice game, I would have gotten it in 3. Except my routine is always to start with 3 guesses covering 15 letters, then go after things that look promising without necessarily even looking at the results for the 3 guesses on all 8. In fact, for that one I had 4 greens after 2 guesses, and, as in the practice game, would have tried the right letter for the other spot. But I didn’t get around to working on it until much later. In fact after 3 guesses it was the only possible string for that one, but I still didn’t do it until guess 11.
Hope it’s not too much of a spoiler to let people know there is a possibly obscure word that contains 5 different letters, a fact I realize could be deduced from what I posted.