NY Senate Legalizes Marijuana

Yeah, lots of stories about people trying edibles and getting too high or just passing out. A standard cookie has 10 mg of THC and this is a lot. I’m a largish male and experienced user, and when I use edibles or tinctures I’m expecting to head out and do things and be pretty high for several hours. Newbies should be taking way less.

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Actually, my wife takes something called Bedtime Betties, to fall asleep

I’m hemp legal states you can get Delta 8 THC. This is an interesting high as it’s all of the body effects of marijuana, but none of the psychoactive parts. My wife prefers that.

I’ve never heard of that… I’ll have to look into it. I occasionally use flower so my disease doesn’t make me feel like crap all the time (although Friday or Saturday can admittedly be funsies). CBD oil did nothing.

yay andy! good job! now we can forget about all those silly sexual abuse allegations and nursing home deaths. way to go!


Yay congrats NY!

this is good and all, but why is NY so late to the party here? this should have happened decades ago and we aren’t even close to one of the first states to legalize it.

COVID was very expensive, they need the tax income

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you think it would have continued to be illegal otherwise? I thought it was inevitable regardless.

eventually it would be legal, the state senate I believe is pretty Republic, but I think the need for funds pushed it over

ah, makes sense since most of new york land wise is republican.

so some good came out of this pandemic.

At a glance, looks like NY rolled this out pretty sensibly. I can say that while my state bungled the rollout, the tax revenue and reduced burden on jails for minor possession charges has been great.

We pull a lot of cannabis tourists from nearby states who are still too conservative to reduce their government’s control. Some just border hoppers, others who actually vacation to the state.