Nostalgic Thoughts

The holiday season can bring about a lot of feelings of nostalgia. So, I dunno, share some of them if you want.

Today I was shopping for our thanksgiving meal, and was in the fancy oil aisle. It took me back to when I first met my now-husband. We both worked at target, third shift stocking. One night we were stocking the oils, and one dropped and broke. It was one with chilies in it, and I’ll never get that smell out of my brain.

It’s not a huge memory, but it’s one I had even forgotten I had until tonight.


Just this past week, there have been a couple times the random song selection of an ipod (yes, I still actually have one and use it) played a song from an album that I vividly remembered receiving as a Christmas present.

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Family wedding this weekend, lots of memories recalled. Aunts and uncles at our wedding aged or deceased, kids/babies then now with families of their own.

Lol, except the chiles part sounds like the start of a porno.


I was remembering the first Thanksgiving dinner i cooked with my future wife. It was a harbinger of good things in the future. We had many very good Thanksgivings. It was my favorite holiday. We were always at home. No expectations for travel, presents or parties. No decisions on what to do, or what to cook. Just good quality time.

Thursday will be our first Thanksgiving day together as exes. I am looking forward to it just as much as before.


I remember thanksgiving. It was like a month ago.


I like to reminisce with people I don’t know.

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Very few things in life more alluring than people in bright red tops cleaning up spicy oils.

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C’mon, you can do better than that. Or maybe your vice is indeed f(l)eeble. :wink:

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I am nostalgic for the years of past where I got to spend the holidays with my late brother. Those times were often tumultuous but looking back, they were priceless :sob:


Spouse and I have one parent between us. Definitely some bittersweet nostalgia around the holidays.


Visiting my folks on Saturday and we dragged out the John Denver and the Muppets Xmas album. That sounds like Christmas to me. We brought it with us up to Seattle, so we will probably hear it a few more times this week.

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Having a “Sleeper” - It is a Manhattan made with a splash of 100 proof SoCo on the top. Grandparents drank them down and we as small children would always attempt to steal a sip. Once we got in a few, we were dead asleep.

Every now and again they’ll come out on xmas. I’ll pass on it this year if it does (maybe steal a sip though)

My mother likes to remind me of the Thanksgiving we had where my aunt (technically my mom’s first cousin be we called her Aunt) where I complained that we didn’t have corn, cranberry sauce, or some of the other traditional Thanksgiving foods that we learned about in school. Fortunately she had cans of these foods in the house so I was satisfied.

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My wife and I have been going through… I don’t know, let’s say appx 100lb of old family photos. Some are ours that we’ve had for a long time, but many are from my father’s house. After he passed we went to clean out the house and just threw all pics into a foot locker.

I found one pic of me sitting with my dad on his motorcycle when we lived in Houston, I remember him taking me around the block, I sat up on the gas tank. And I found a few old black & white pics of him as a kid in Hawai’i - they didn’t have a lot of money and that was the only vacation they ever took that wasn’t driving to Branson or whatever. I think I’ll take those and put them in a frame with some pics of my family in Maui, we need more pics on the walls.


Remember when everyone loved me?


Real nostalgic thought: this photo came up for me today, my sons when they were 1 and 4.

They look a wee different now.

My youngest son got his storing-up-for-winter cheeks from me.


Mr NA = Mr Mixalot? I know I know HFBB.

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