News that makes you say WTF?!?!

Old time cell phones being used to smuggle drugs. what’s old is new.

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You sort of skipped the headline…

The pigeon was found in a Canadian Prison Yard

Sorry eh?

I never really stopped to think about whether Canadia had any prisons. I would have thought that if you are arrested, you go to court and say “Soorry” and then everybody goes home and drinks a bag full of milk. What could a person do to actually go to the klink in Canadia? GTT? Grand Theft Toque! Really, I would have thought the most serious crime in Canadia is high sticking.

Do they serve poutine in Canadian prisons? I would think that potatoes and gravy are pretty cheap, and perhaps a staple food of the incarcerated Canuck.

Don’t you realize that a Canadian prison is usually called the penalty box by others?


Certainly fits the thread… what the…

Clearly you have not been reading Louise Penny. Apparently there is a tiny town in Quebec with an extremely high murder rate.

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I would have thought living in Canada was punishment enough

just kidding

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The Pentaverate Sorry GIF - The Pentaverate Sorry Oops - Discover & Share GIFs

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It is a sad situation and the fair is going to lose. Unfortunately, I don’t think the penalty will be sufficient to make the people who forced the situation reconsider what they did.

Having grown up on a small farm and raising animals for slaughter I have seen lots of people who are not into farming end up in this situation.

An interesting aspect is the piece about juveniles not being able to be held to a contract. Utah found out that juveniles can’t sign away certain rights and their parents can’t sign those away either.

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Yes, I noted that as well.

This line just gets under my skin.

Shasta - where they count votes by hand and like to teach 9 year old girls a lesson.

What an egregious use of police resources.

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What rule is it that says you have a sacred duty to kill this particular goat? The only thing this poor girl learned is that people are assholes. She probably also learned something about the value of a vegetarian diet.

That’s a valuable lesson in itself.


Long purchased the goat for her daughter to enter into the 4-H program with the Shasta District Fair. Children are taught how to care for farm animals. The animals are then entered in an auction to be sold and then slaughtered for meat in hopes of teaching children about the work and care needed to raise livestock and provide food, as farmers and ranchers do.

Yeah, read the fine print.

“It was never about money,” said Vanessa Shakib, an attorney for Advancing Law for Animals who represents Long. “County officials were clear that they wanted to teach this little girl a lesson.”

Well, more the parents than the “little girl.”

Anywho, another fine example of a parent attempting to keep a child from any kind of pain. Fricken let her cry, for crying out loud.
Here is the parent, yet again trying to explain her wonderful parenting policy:

“Our daughter lost three grandparents within the last year, and our family has had so much heartbreak and sadness that I couldn’t bear the thought of the following weeks of sadness after the slaughter of her first livestock animal,” she wrote to Shasta District Fair Chief Executive Melanie Silva.


Also, a Bob’s Burgers’-worthy business name sighting (might have to make a separate thread for this):

According to the search warrant, deputies believed Cedar was staying at Bleating Hearts Farm and Sanctuary in Napa County,

Anyone watch “Clarkson’s Farm Season 2?”

As a farmer, you need to understand any emotional attachment you make with the animals you raise.

“Lisa, we have a pet cow.”

And the mother should have seen the emotional attachment the girl was developing with the goat and make the decision to remove it from the fair and keep it as an emotional support animal for the girl.

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Dr Pol once bought a goat to give it back to the kid who brought it to fair. Surprise, some kids like their animals.