News that makes you say WTF?!?!

reminds me of this: Kramer tries to create a Utopian society when he puts up pictures of all the residents of his and Jerry’s building. Jerry doesn’t mind until the women of the building want to be greeted with a kiss. After Jerry objects to kissing hello, he’s vilified and nearly kicked out of the building."

I was wondering why my Raleigh friends were sharing stuff like this:

okay this is very funny


This sounds very Floridian


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She seems nice…and annoying

you owe us all more detail on the gentleman in 601. share all you can until it feels like oversharing. thanks!

Only owner younger than me, very easy on the eyes and hung out at the pool a lot. Had a steady girlfriend when he moved in, but they broke up at some point and then it was just a revolving door.

:laughing: that’s pretty good


Ok, I need to look at more details, but the illegal fireworks in LA stuff is just nuts.

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I love the Holderness Family, and that video was pretty good.

I think my favorite of theirs is “We Can’t Help With Homework Anymore” (to the tune of “I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore”)

But “Baby Just Go Outside” (a politically correct version of “Baby It’s Cold Outside”) is pretty funny too.

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I love that channel, although sometimes it’s a little too cringe. I don’t watch their “vlog”-style videos, I’m sure some are good but it’s not for me.

I usually don’t like channels that use their kids in them, but their kids seem to genuinely enjoy it (even if sometimes they’re embarrassed by dad jokes and such.) And the kids are only in some of them.

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That could be about my dog in sub-zero temperatures


I mean, ffs, women already know how to march in heels.

Why would we need training?

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So, here’s something funny: the ship has FINALLY left the Suez Canal

How many know how to goose-step and can do so for a prolonged time?

The training isn’t necessarily learning “how to do it” so much as the practice in doing so and building the “muscle memory” to do the needed maneuvers.

And lawmakers making the argument of “high heels have no practical purpose in combat” have zero understanding of when troops “parade”.

And you don’t train in your best attire. Dress rehearse for the event? Sure! But not on-going training.

…and a bag of baseballs and a rowboat to be named later.


I would think that training in the shoes would be important if the actual shoes perform materially differently from training shoes.

Dancers train in at least the same type of shoes they perform in, and I think mostly the same exact shoes, as an example.

Heels perform differently from flat shoes. If they’re going to be expected to march in heels then they should absolutely train in heels.

That said, expecting them to march in heels is preposterous.

Guy is parasailing just gliding over the surface of the water when a shark jumps out of the water and takes part of his foot off. Blurry video included: