News that makes you say WTF?!?!


That’s actually pretty funny.

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Why were they fleeing? I feel like there’s more to this story.

Um… maybe because they were guilty of attempted carjacking and didn’t want to wait around for the cops to arrest them?

I wasn’t there… just spitballing.


Some white students at a GA High school were waving a confederate flag and allegedly using racial slurs during school spirit day. A number of students planned a silent protest wearing Black Lives Matter t-shirts to voice their displeasure with this happening and the lack of action taken by school administrators. Before the protest even happened, the black students organizing the protest were suspended by school administrators reportedly for encouraging unrest.

Texas school administrator instructs teachers that if they have any history books that mention the Holocaust, they need to also have books with an opposing perspective.

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I’ve actually visited a former concentration camp site. I am quite unwilling to hear opposing viewpoints.


Me too. This is some insane both sides -ism.


What is the opposite side? They needed killing?
I mean WTF.?!?!


Can we give Texas back to Mexico?


I think the opposite side is that it either didn’t happen at all, or that the claims about the number killed are greatly exaggerated / it wasn’t that many people… depending on just how extreme the Holocaust denier is.

That said, it seems like over time the actual estimates of the number killed keep growing. When I was in school we learned 11 million (6 million Jews, 5 million others including Roma, Slavs, physically or mentally disabled people, homosexuals (actual or alleged), Soviet civilians, Nazi dissenters, and criminals (again… actual or alleged).

Now they’re saying maybe as many as 20 million, although some sources seem to be saying that the word “Holocaust” only applies to the Jews. The others were indeed killed but that’s not what is meant by “Holocaust”. This seems to be inconsistent: Wikipedia only counts Jews whereas the Holocaust museum in DC counts everyone. When I was in school it included everyone.

And to be clear… I in no means am trying to suggest that I think the growing estimates of deceased implies anything shady… quite the opposite. My assumption is that the newer estimates are likely better than the earlier ones as they are looking at many demographic sources as well as compiling data from a lot of different sources… including records that were seized/kept by the Soviet Union and not always available to western historians.

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At this point, I think Texas needs to no longer be self-governing. Make it a territory under federal control for a while, force a rewrite of the state constitution that protects basic truth and rights, and then you can readmit it as maybe 3-4 states that won’t matter so much federally.

This is exactly how Texas and the smaller state governments that are similar to Texas want you to react. Bc threats of taking over only make the red state legislators say, “See?!!! Your freedumb did need protecting! We weren’t overreacting at all.”

(I’m not saying Texas is right. Just that this type of reaction doesn’t help. There are probably 3 or 4 smaller states that no one pays attention to that are right behind them.)


I had the opportunity to visit a concentration camp site but I chose not to. Mostly because I didn’t want to be sad on my last day in Germany. I did visit the Berlin Holocaust Memorial though. It seems to me like the Germans really owned up to the evils they committed so it puzzles me why in the US we have people who want to pretend evil didn’t happen.

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Eh, Holocaust denying is a problem in Germany too. The federal government and most Germans own up to it, but there is a movement there too.

On a percentage basis I’m not sure which country is worse and it might be somewhat unknowable. Read an Economist article on this a few years ago. I’ll see if I can find it.

Hmmm, there’s a whole bunch.

I’m probably thinking of the one from February 2006, but there’s a lot.

I attended some museum in Austria that really downplayed the Austrian involvement in the whole Hitler thing.

Yes, the difference between how Germany has acknowledged its role in mass murder, and how Austria has not, is striking.

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With the invasion they have done, I don’t think the people in Texas would want to go back to Mexico, neither the US citizens or the Mexicans.

And I doubt Mexico would want them either.

I’m sure Texas doesn’t want to be part of Mexico. They never did, and probably still don’t.

I’m less sure why Mexico wouldn’t want Texas. Oil, tech companies, wealth, half the population speaks Spanish. Texas’s social conservatism is closer to Mexico’s than the US, although Mexico did just legalize abortion last month so they’re less conservative than they used to be.

It was a joke. I realize it’s not something any of the relevant people want.

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