My simple solution to reduce healthcare costs in the US

I think if we build more medical schools and train more doctors and nurses, price will decline because supply will go up.

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The AMA in the US will block that at every possible turn.


Also, somebody tell me why congress has anything to do with the number of residency slots. Just let the free market do its thing and hospitals will train more doctors in order to make money off said doctors.

Like uh, what literally every company in the US does.

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They throttle supply to keep wages high for their members.

Its really no different than Actuarial societies. They function as Guilds who throttle supply to keep wages high.

This only works because those “members” are doing work that cannot easily be replaced by technology (even AI really).

A good historical comparison are the weavers of the industrial revolution.

Also “highly paid” until technology replaced them.


100% and they have.

I could do an AMA on why healthcare costs so much in the US. I could write a book on drug costs alone. It’s death by a thousand paper cuts. I think the simplest answer is it’s a multi trillion dollar industry who uses their influence wisely in terms of rent seeking behavior.


do it plz

I will buy


My question is why doesn’t some hospital start training loads more doctors to make the supply cheaper for them, you’d think they would be incentivized to do that.

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Is there like a society that competes with the AMA? Maybe they can produce a market efficient supply.

Or maybe they will propose a merger every decade or so

and have flame wars on the Internet

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This one is a good read.


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People who are sick should figure out how to get healthy themselves. They’ll either succeed or they won’t; either way, DIY instead of asking paid professionals to help them will cut down on healthcare costs.

Follow me for more money-saving tips.


Obligatory Monty Python vid:


Just kill all the sick old people and then convert nursing homes into affordable apartment buildings. Plus social security and medicare would become sustainable. Four problems solved at once!


ah, it takes me back


this is actually the best solution to the homeless population. Just give them all unlimited free drugs. It’s the most humane thing really


Man I’ve been tryna getta look at the shooter’s goodreads account but it’s private so now I can’t figure out if he had read this.

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I just bought this btw, just $3 so it was a good deal.

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Noice. I think it’s a good read.