I think we should take back the parking meters like that one guy did with that canal.
First: Huh?
Second: Aren’t all parking meters municipal?
Many cities have privatized parking enforcement
A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.
I’ll need somewhere to park my wheels when we meet up for Happy Hour!!!
I think Cool Hand Luke had the best idea.
They were sold to UAE for peanuts.
We should also nationalize the alfalfa while we’re at it, but we have another thread for that.
They are where I live. I don’t know where CS lives, but Chicago sold theirs.
Okay maybe without the deal, we wouldn’t have gotten Tadej. But do two wrongs make a right?
My city’s meters are all city-run. It’s pretty nice, being a tourist town, there is plenty of free parking everywhere, but the tourists get fleeced.
We even have drop-boxes to pay your unpaid meter ticket right on the downtown streets.