Movies that couldn't be made today

lol, yeah. I’m honestly surprised woke Netflix didn’t pull it.

never saw it, so can’t comment on what is offensive - Asian portrayal?

cultural appropriation? No idea. Never saw it either. I thought it had something to do with the Karate Kid, but with white people

And then, won the Oscar.
Overall “Massa’s” and southern black dialect would not be tolerated. Might not be any actor who would say them.
Could be re-created to embellish even more the differences in lifestyles (housing, clothing, food) between masters and slaves (and Rhett, who doesn’t appear to own slaves).

All in the Family was my favourite tv series during its 9 seasons run. No tv network would touch it now despite it actually being an opponent of prejudice.

And there were (and possibly still are) people who think that Archie was the hero.

This. That’s part of what made the writing brilliant. It was clearly poking fun at the bigot, but lots of people found the bigot lovable and admirable.

I think I just watched that show. It premiered on June 16, 2015.

remo williams: maybe cast an actual asian actor instead of a white one in yellowface

MASH: blatant sexual harassment for laughs


Yup. And that was why the ratings were so good!

same white people from Karate kid i believe

Good Will Hunting

what am i missing?

Robin Williams is dead

Back to the Future reboot with Marty played by a girl. Image her going back to the 90s and getting sexually assaulted by her dad

Imagine her going back to the 90’s and getting sexually assaulted by Tru…er, “Biff”.

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lol ivanka going back and getting harassed by her dad would be hilarious (or not)

too close to reality


if my calculations are correct, she would have to go back to 1955 (like in the orig BTTF) to meet her dad as a teenager