Motto for mortality investigations

Yeah, I’m using goActuary as my external memory again (yes, I’ll also post on

Taceant colloquia

Effugiat risus

Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae.

Let Conversation Cease –

Let Laughter Flee –

This is the place where Death delights to help the Living.

[Saying attributed to Giovanni Morgagni eighteenth century anatomist—said to be copied on the walls of some dissection rooms after the Murder Act (1752) in England—now standard in many pathology rooms around the world—pathology ::]

Well, you can until they sell it to DWS, and then DWS throws the site down the toilet.

Well the AO lasted about20 years. Pretty good for internet years.

And I don’t by dws will be buying anyone’s forum.or anybody really. Forums are fairly dead tech.

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