My neighbour’s cat does this to us too!!!
My cat just had a big seizure. Fortunately I was with her when it happened and was able to protect her head and stop her from biting her own paw too hard. She used to have seizures frequently, but hadn’t had one in a few years. We had thought it was due to her flea collar, because when we stopped using that brand they had stopped, but evidently not.
Well the flea collar could have been exacerbating the problem, so switching products may well have still been helpful.
I had a dog that suffered from seizures about 18-20 years ago. So hard to watch them suffer.
In the dog’s case it got progressively worse as she aged. So removing your cat’s flea collar could well have helped immensely but it just continued to progress anyway.
My dog was on a medication for a while that helped (can’t remember the name… it’s a people medication too). But eventually they got so bad we had to put her down.
I would definitely see what your vet thinks. You may not be able to stop them altogether but anything that reduces the frequency is good.
The heartbreaking thing with the dog was that she could obviously feel them coming on because she’d seek us out (my ex if he was home or me if he wasn’t) and then it would happen. Poor girl!
I had a cat that had seizures, but we didn’t find out about it for a while.
The dog and cat grew up together and were old ladies. When I’d go to work, I’d leave them together in the den. At some point, the dog started having some horrible GI issues. Gross: gelatinous diarrhea accidents, when she never had any accidents in the house before.
We took the dog to the vet, who told us this was a stress reaction. WTF this is an old dog that just chills in the same place every day now. What stress? We were puzzled.
Shortly thereafter we saw the cat have a seizure. Turned out she had a brain tumor which was basically inoperable given her age. We put her on seizure meds, which kept the seizures at bay. That’s why the dog was under stress, seeing her buddy have seizures. The dog’s issue went away when the cat was put on meds.
That’s an amazing story. Animals are amazing.
That’s sweet.
Our dog sees seizures as a threat. She started attacking a previous dog who had epilepsy. I’m afraid of what she would do to the cat if she had one when we weren’t around. She’s a sweet dog and would never harm any of our pets otherwise, but seizures seem to be her trigger and that does worry me!
On the rare occasion either cat has to be sedated for something, we have to keep them separated as the sober one will attack the buzzed one.
Our eldest cat, ~13 yo needs teeth cleaned. They find cat’s developed a murmur. Cat needs a special EKG from a traveling doctor at a clinic 45 minutes away who only comes around occasionally before they will put her under anesthesia.
Mind you, cat needs gabapentin every time it goes to the vet, and even so it froths at the mouth and hisses and hates everything.
Several months later we get the EKG, cleared to be put under anesthesia.
Back to vet, at the appointment to go under and clean teeth. Cat has too high of blood pressure too be put under. They want her on BP medication. To do that, they want her back in 1 week to prove that her high BP is consistent. After that, we will go on medicine and go back again in a few months, then if her BP has lowered we will make another appointment for the teeth.
Every time, gabapentin the night before, and the morning of. She hates it and has learned the routine, and begins being angry before it even starts.
Poor kitty…
After 2 days at the vet, it was clear that our beloved cat Tater wasn’t going to recover so we had to end his suffering. He passed purring on my lap.We’ll miss him so much!
RIP buddy.
Tater was a real character, in many ways more dog like than cat like. He’d greet us at the door when we got home. He enjoyed meeting guests and loving on them. He enjoyed belly rubs a lot. He was a real talker, meowing frequently at us. He had separation anxiety when we were gone.
what a good kitty. I’m glad he got a chance to be with a good human like you.
Awww, I had a dog-like cat once too. Glad your family got to give him a good home and be his humans.
Link to twitter, cat on ice…
I got those twitter linkin blues: