
A real head scratcher.

Not sure this actually happened

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Well they seem to be labeling every new variant Omicron now so definitionally I think it can’t be.

There is a pretty clear wave from mid December until mid February that I think most would call the omicron wave.

I think we are seeing a rise from stealth omicron/ba2 variant?

Red state I landed in maybe 10% masked

I took my mask off when I landed though so I was in the 90%. Felt more important sitting around in lga and on the flight itself

If that’s the new normal, I’m fine with that. Anyone who thinks they need a little extra protection or have a runny nose or whatever, they wear a mask. If not, a mask isn’t necessary.

Thing is the sniffly coughy people were the ones not wearing masks at the airport

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All the more reason for people at higher risk to wear a quality, well-fitting mask.

Sick people should wear masks to be decent human beings

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Yeah but people are assholes


:iatp: People are the worst.

I’ve pretty much resolved to wear a mask forever. I don’t like colds either.


I might be in this club as well.

Sick people should stay at home to be decent human beings.

I will be wearing a mask as long as it is socially acceptable to do so.

(Thing is, I’m not certain it is socially acceptable to do so in some very red areas.)

Not always possible. I don’t judge people for going about their business if they need to, but they should wear a mask.

I read about a restaurant in a very red area that would kick you out if you wore a mask regardless of reason.

Edit: yup…outside of Dallas…
Lots of stories about it; here’s one: Texas restaurant won't allow masks, kicks out immunocompromised family

That would just make it easier for me to know where to not spend my money

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I was hoping being Asian and all would help and ppl would just think I’m doing my Asian thing and mind their own business

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Asian neighborhoods are the best for masking and stuff. And in Chinatown, no one ever looks at me funny for wearing a mask.

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There were asian cultures wearing masks for this reason long before any of us westerners started. Yet nobody in the west wore masks, despite this being (now) pretty clearly a good idea.
I recall this distinctly, because I saw someone, long before covid, wearing a mask on campus. I asked about it online, and someone suggested that they wore it to protect me from them because they were likely sick. I figured at that time it was a pretty smart idea but still never put on a mask.
Today, I wear a mask when out and about, 100% of the time. Don’t much care what others do one way or the other, though I do notice. We went to a large event this past weekend, standing in close quarters in long lineups, and I was the only one wearing a mask.