March Madness 2024 (a.k.a the annual Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament)


We’ve got half the bracket filled with the first 16 players - come on in and help us fill out the second half!! :+1:

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C’mon folks - help us keep the tradition alive! Please!!

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In, as a rookie.


I think rookies have won the last 2 years. GL.

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A quick update:

Okay, I just thought that sounded official like… but we will be delayed by one day. The tournament will kick off 24-36 hours from now. The RPS-HQ appreciates your patience on the matter. :+1:

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I am in!

Looks like i chose a good day to open this app again.
I am in.

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If you need someone else to round out your numbers, I can be in. But I don’t have to be. Whatever is easiest for you.



Seems like HQ should stay down another 24 hours or so…5-6 new entrants since the announcement.

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In if it’s not too late

Well, we’re at 26 players, and ideally (at this point, anyways) I’d like to have 28-32, so I’ll take your advice, and give one more day to sign up.

(And yes, I’m well aware I’m sounding like a filename of “Participants final v2 final FINAL.xlsx”, but this time I really mean it. Honest! :innocent: )

So less than 24 hours until we lock in the registrations, and less than 36 hours before we kick off March Madness 2024! So start hunting for your :popcorn: - yer gonna need it!!


I will check with the wife and see if i can convince her to create an account on this platform. I think she last posted on the AO over 8 years ago, so don’t hold your breath.



Former participant? Multiple final four appearances?

IIRC, she’s a fruit from some southern country.