March Madness 2024 (a.k.a the annual Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament)

Great game, skysn93!

… and now we can focus on the last seat to the Final Four, coming out of the Klaymen Region.

With our bonus third update of the day, let’s see what happened!

First throw:
R EzeklCumber
R Whiskey

Second throw:
R-R EzeklCumber
R-R Whiskey

Hmmmm. I think I’ve seen this movie before…

Third throw:
R-R-P EzeklCumber
R-R-R Whiskey

What, we’re done already? I didn’t even finish my :popcorn:!


(That was for Whiskey - he’s got a little work to do now.)

Keep sending in those throws - the Final Four awaits one of you! :+1:

Echo Region - won by Vorian_Atreides

Klaymen Region

EzeklCumber defeats Whiskey in Game 4, EzeklCumber leads (3-1)
R-R-P EzeklCumber
R-R-R Whiskey

Klaymen       ---- Klaymen     1

EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 3
WishBear    2


1695814       ---- 1695814     2

ALivelySed  1
Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     1

Kid_Rock Region - won by The_Notorious_LINUS

OutdoormanNowActuary Region - won by JFG

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3


Today’s update is… we only have half an update.


Echo Region - won by Vorian_Atreides

Klaymen Region

Klaymen       ---- Klaymen     1

EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 3
WishBear    2


1695814       ---- 1695814     2

ALivelySed  1
Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey*    1

Kid_Rock Region - won by The_Notorious_LINUS

OutdoormanNowActuary Region - won by JFG

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3



Or “we only have an ate.”

One or the other should work.

Sorry folks…not working this week so not online much. I did submit throws yesterday evening though…

Likely story.

I found a video of you from yesterday early afternoon:

Bill Belichick GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

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And we now have an update! (And yes, I will confirm EC had submitted throws earlier; my timing was the one thrown off now… :oops: )

Anyways… in our last update, we had Whiskey in :oh_noes: mode, being down 3-1 to EC. Was Whiskey able to live another day, or did EC wrap things up?

First throw:
R EzeklCumber
R Whiskey

Second Throw:
R-R EzeklCumber
R-R Whiskey

:squintyeyes: Hey… didn’t we see this before?

Third throw:
R-R-R EzeklCumber
R-R-R Whiskey

Fourth throw:
R-R-R-R EzeklCumber
R-R-R-R Whiskey

Yep - I’ve definitely seen this before!

Fifth Throw:
R-R-R-R-S EzeklCumber
R-R-R-R-R Whiskey

A surprise ending!! :astonished:

… and an ending that keeps Whiskey around for another game!

Echo Region - won by Vorian_Atreides

Klaymen Region

Whiskey defeats EzeklCumber in Game 5, EzeklCumber leads (3-2)
R-R-R-R-S EzeklCumber
R-R-R-R-R Whiskey

Klaymen       ---- Klaymen     1

EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 3
WishBear    2


1695814       ---- 1695814     2

ALivelySed  1
Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     2

Kid_Rock Region - won by The_Notorious_LINUS

OutdoormanNowActuary Region - won by JFG

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3

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Whelp . . . we know now who bought the eye drops.

You know . . .

blinker fluid!

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Wednesday evening update!

We last left of with Ezekial_Cumberland up 3-2 over Whiskey, with Whiskey staying alive after a Game 5 win. Can Whiskey work his magic once more, or will EC shut the door this time?

I’m guessing you’ll never guess how this game starts…

Throw 1:
R EzeklCumber
R Whiskey


(That’s my surprised face.)

Throw 2:
R-P EzeklCumber
R-R Whiskey

Yep, same thing again…

… wait, what was that??

Ezekial_Cumberland has defeated Whiskey in Game 6 and advances to the Final Four!!

I’ll just leave y’all on that note for now… :sweat: :popcorn:

Echo Region - won by Vorian_Atreides

Klaymen Region

EzeklCumber defeats Whiskey in Game 6, EzeklCumber wins (4-2)
R-P EzeklCumber
R-R Whiskey

Klaymen       ---- Klaymen     1

EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 4 ---- EzeklCumber 4 *** FINAL FOUR! ***
WishBear    2


1695814       ---- 1695814     2

ALivelySed  1
Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     4 ---- Whiskey     2

Kid_Rock Region - won by The_Notorious_LINUS

OutdoormanNowActuary Region - won by JFG

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3

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Gilbert Gottfried Why Dont You Try Waiting In The Line GIF - Gilbert gottfried Why dont you try waiting in the line Wait in line - Discover & Share GIFs

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Good game, Whiskey. Really had me thinking there at the end!

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And now that folks have had a chance to see how everything played out, it’s time for…

:party: :party:

*** THE FINAL FOUR!! * * *

:party: :party:

First of all, congrats to all the Final Four entrants: Vorian_Atreides, Ezekial_Cumberland, The_Notorious_LINUS, and JFG. You will be acknowledged for your RPS prowess by having a region named after you in next year’s tournament - well done!! :clap: :clap:

But while that bit of prestige is nice, we all know what you’re looking for - the RPS Crown! So without further ado, let’s kick things off!

Final Four

VorianAtrds 0
EzeklCumber 0

JFG         0

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3

A reminder to those just tuning in, all matches will be Best-of-Seven, and I’ll update the thread when I have a completed match (or it’s been awhile, if there’s a lull in activity).


One programming note: Updates will be minimal this Friday and Monday, as your host will be attempting to catch the eclipse. Please don’t be alarmed by the lack of updates during that time (nor by the sun being eaten by the moon) - it’ll all work out! :+1:


Good game! Some advice for you in your next match:

Destroy Costume Quest GIF by Cartoon Hangover (GIF Image)

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And we’ve got the results of our first Final Four game!! (And 3 outta 4 throws submitted - great start! :+1:)

Keep those throws coming - don’t disappoint the crowds cheering/jeering you on! :mega:

Final Four

ThNtrsLINUS defeats JFG in Game 1, ThNtrsLINUS leads (1-0)

EzeklCumber 0

JFG         0

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

Note: Completed Region details found in Post 3

What? This is baloney! Must’ve been too much rest between matches.

Not the way to defend the region, JFG. C’mon man!

I see that I’ve got @Ezekial_Cumberland running out to get more blinker fluid!!

But his delaying tactics are going to bear as much fruit as a . . . um . . . as a . . . tomato plant!!

Gg zeke