Makes me smile

Stupid sexy sumo!


The title at r/SumoMemes was Stupid Sexy Hoshoryu


You don’t need the sound on because it has captions, but, you know

last night’s moon, not my picture, but my neighborhood


watching groundhog day today. every single time bill murray’s character steps into the slush puddle and ned the head tells him it’s a doozie - love it. so many other things in that movie also make me smile. i’ll leave it at the one that’s closest to insurance


We did, too!

Jim Beam. Ice. Water.


whata waste of time!

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Guessing some place online has a list of the days he experiences. Gotta be over 50 shown, but learning piano was probably 1000 days, assuming the 10000-hour rule-of-thumb.

Google AI says they show him reliving 2/2/93 38 times and he references another 414 times. The director estimated it takes him about 10 years.

I feel like 38 is low if you count every time she slapped him, every time he tried to kill himself

10 years is probably low. He learned multiple instruments, at least 1 new language, and could have graduate level discussions on French poetry. Then toss in that he knew all those details on the townsfolk. I doubt he memorized all of that in a couple days per person.

I haven’t seen the movie in a while
 only remembered him playing piano.

I’m assuming he did a little of everything each day. Practiced piano for a couple of hours, studied French for a couple of hours, went to lunch at the diner and chatted up various townspeople, a few more hours on piano, a few more hours on French

But anyway the 10 years wasn’t my estimate. It was Harold Ramis’s.


  1. the answer is 3

Now we all know how to get into the rectory.

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All right, smart apse.