Received an e-mail about a webinar for new Membership requirements for AAA.
I have no desire to attend the webinar.
Anyone know about this and does it affect me? Should I care?
Not even really sure I need the MAAA, but the company covers it.
Received an e-mail about a webinar for new Membership requirements for AAA.
I have no desire to attend the webinar.
Anyone know about this and does it affect me? Should I care?
Not even really sure I need the MAAA, but the company covers it.
I plan to attend the webinar, but assume since it specifies new membership that it won’t affect me unless my membership lapses. Curious how this will be implemented.
TBH, requiring some kind of exam on the code and precepts would not be the worst thing in the world, I have met far too many actuaries who are unfamiliar with them, which makes me question their 3 hours of CE on professionalism each year.
Looks like there’s an FAQ into the changes: FAQs on the Academy’s Membership Requirements | American Academy of Actuaries
From a quick skim-over, it looks like an additional attestation that we is appropriately edjucated is being added, and a US work experience requirement is being brought back?
(edited because one word was insufficiently misspelled)
Thanks - very helpful. Looks like it only applies to new applicants only, not old geezers, who don’t manage students.
I see no change in general CE.
Yeah, big thing is 3 years US work experience to get in. Puts the brakes on college graduates with ASA or ACAS already getting the MAAA.
I let my Academy membership lapse. Will this affect me if I want to get back in?
According to the FAQ, yes.
Huh, effective date?
I got mine over 30 years ago, I thought I needed the 3 years back then
If you’re an ASA or ACAS you need three years to be qualified to do certain things (only 1 year if you are an FSA or FCAS) but not to simply be a member of the Academy.
I believe there used to be an experience requirement to get the MAAA, but it was decided that it was superfluous since the Qualification Standards required it, but they seem to be going back.
One certainly did by the early 90’s, which is why i wasn’t able to get one until 96 (technically would have been eligible slightly earlier, but didn’t need it right away).
fwiw, “This webinar is free to attend.”
Here’s where you can sign up for it:
I’m old, not how i need to waste an hour of my life
It’s one hour of professionalism CE
I’m a little bored. So I will do the course.
for 1 free hr of the professional CE…im interested! (even if I am not MAAA and likely never will be again bc job does not require it)
Tech issues - love it.
New requirements apply only to new or reinstating members.