My wife is out of the country.
My kids are away at college.
I have no friends; just two dogs. What should I do this weekend?
I’m fully vaccinated, but I live north of Dallas, where we control the COVID with our guns, not our brains.
Delta concerns me, and I hear Mu is a bitch.
Maybe I’ll catch up on all those actuarial articles I’ve been meaning to read…I hate reading.
Cookie, the GR, is energetic and only obeys commands when he feels like it.
Honey, the GR-Lab-Misc, is energetic, prone to biting strangers, and usually comes when called…but won’t come when she’s on a barking rampage with the dog next door.
So, maybe next time the wife leaves me I won’t have dogs…or she’ll take them with her.
Watch some good movies
Throw out stuff your wife won’t notice is gone
Go for a walk
Talk to corporate
Approve workflow
Write a memo
Hit on Deborah
Get reject
Fifth of vodka
Swallow sadness
Shit on Deborah’s desk
Meet a giant fish
Buy a gun
Chicken out
I helped daughter learn a bit of Excel, mowed my lawn, took the dogs on a walk, finished some computer work that’s been lagging, folded a bunch of laundry that’s been laying around, and overcooked some chicken.
Still to do: clean up desk in office, fix back door doorknob, and read all of those actuarial articles.