Is White Supremacy a serious threat to the US, or is saying so a "darndest thing"?

Who do I fear more as an existential threat to this country?

Probably the ones that we are actively engaging and neutralizing as a threat, like the North Koreans.

For me, maga fascists.

I’m not worried about N Korea or Al Qaida or any of those others causing serious harm to the country.

When this country falls, it will come from within.


I am shocked to hear that you do not feel threatened by white supremacist and their terrorist agenda.


Maybe Biden fixed all the problems that caused January 6.

Oh wait, who is the leading candidate for the R nominee?


Only you can answer this question. We can’t read your mind.

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Why would he tell us when he could instead whine about how we don’t know?


This thread isn’t about me and my thoughts (feel free to create one, maybe I’ll look at it). It’s about Democrats saying the darndest things. That’s what I’m posting.

Joe Biden = Democrat = saying the darndest thing

There are several types of threats to this country. Russia and North Korea are nuclear threats. The Chinese are an economic threat. But the greatest threat to political freedom comes from a large contingent of Americans that would prefer a more authoritarian government. White supremacists are a large component of this group.

White Supremacists are the Best Stealth Authoritarians

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Yeah, that last equality is where you are losing us.

We are still not certain why you think Biden stating the same thing that prior administration stated is “the darndest thing.”

Should I quote my earlier post, It pretty much says it all rght in there.

“The Great Unifier” giving a wonderfully inspiring and motivating commencement address to some recent college graduates. I’m not exactly sure how discussing White supremacy as the most dangerous terrorist threat is an appropriate topic, or even accurate, (there are plenty of; Russian, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean hackers, and assorted real terrorist organizations with annouced intentions of destroying “the Great Satan” that are laughing at the absurdity of his statement) - but hey, let’s pretend everything is OK and Biden isn’t pandering to his audience (and “saying the darndest things”).

So you don’t think aniden should tailor his commencement speech to the audience he is s as speaking to by discussing topics that concern them, in an area they are likely to be activists in, and repeating similar concerns that other, recent administrations have expressed?

I’m not sure you understand the concept of “darndest thing”. Most of the time in the “other” thread we try to reserve for absurdities that are difficult to defend by most reasonable individuals, you know like arguments that it is perfectly fine for a 12 yo yo get married.

Do you think this is equivalent to claiming 12 yo’s should be able to marry?


Is that a yes?

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Compare Bidens speech to Trump’s Mother’s Day post, and yes Trump did claim he would unify the country:

Which reasonable undividual is going to defend “The Great Unifier” discussing his view of white supremacy as the most dangerous terroristic threat during a commencement address isn’t pandering and is actually inspiring and motivating?

It took around 20 posts - but here’s the BBT (…but, but Trump) post.

These are likely to be the two candidates. Who would you say is the more divisive?

Trump is uniquely terrible in that literally everything you criticize any democrat of doing, he himself has done, only usually worse, and when he did it, you didn’t find a reason to mention it.

Trump gave a commencement speech to coast guard graduates in 2017 ranting about how terrible the media has treated him, for example.

Also, it’s not uncommon to turn a graduation speech into a call to action against very real threats new graduates will face. Biden didn’t invent this, trump didn’t invent this. I suspect graduates of HOWARD find white supremacy of particular interest, just like if you sit through an evangelical college’s commencement address, you’ll likely hear about how Satan is using the liberal agenda to attack religion, and how they must stand with courage against it.

I’m not gong to say the comment was inspiring and motivating, but I’m ok if The Great Unifier" isn’t trying to unify the white supremacists with the rest of us. If anything, they probably need to feel less welcome than they had during the prior administration.