Is there any point health-wise for running longer than 90 minutes?

Like, past that point or whenever their glycogen runs out people start eating gels to keep going.

But aren’t those like, pure sugar? What’s the point on continuing if you need to do that to keep going?

I don’t remember exactly where I read it, but I believe there is little benefit, and in fact can turn into a negative, going past 60 minutes, in terms of health. When I was marathon training, I always made sure only my long run day (one day a week) was over an hour (or so).

For overall health, there’s def a point where the exertion/strain > health Ben’s. 90 minutes likely near that point, sure.

Running in general is terrible for you(r knees). Avoid running at all cost if you want to still be able to walk in your 70s. Do elliptical or bike if you must.

Studies are all over the place with regard to cardio vs weights. Whatever will make you work out consistently will be the route to go (same with any routine/diet/skincare)

That’s why I rotate between both.
Cardio → Upper body → Cardio → Lower body → Cardio → Full Body → Rest day. Repeat.

Studies are pretty consistent that both are good for you, at least, within reason.

Running on pavement is indeed murder. Running on grass helps disperse some of that stress; the more dry and packed it is, the more it trends toward pavement. I tended to bike out-of-season, which then creates other issues that I’m probably paying for now.

I prefer cardio, but I suspect I need to mix weights in more often than I want.

I guess they need to get someplace while running, and it takes longer than 90 minutes.
The the end of a marathon, for example.

Now, if you want to train for a marathon, you might have to train by running longer than 90 minutes with some frequency (once a week).

“Why don’t they just drive a car??”

I prescribe to this, but I also make sure the 60 minutes are pretty intense (for me). Something about the body starts to circulate cortisol, which starts to break down muscles for nutrition. Now, if you want to be a skinny marathoner, that is what you’ll need to do. For me, muscles are a calorie burner.

I remember hearing an interview with a sports physician who said, “If you are running more than 25 miles a week, you are not doing it for your health.”

That doesn’t quite answer your question but does seem to indicate that there is no extra health benefit from running more than about an hour.

25 is a lot lol. The week I did a half marathon, I did 21 (3 + 5 + 13).

Running 3 miles in a day? That’s like a jog, not a marathon.

I doubt you will get much change in your strength or skeletal musculature with that. Weight lifting (in the lower rep ranges–up to around 15 or so) is anabolic (muscle building), “cardio” is largely catabolic (muscle consuming). That’s why sprinters have huge thighs and marathon runners are skinny.