What do you call something that’s hard, but also soft?
What could go wrong?
Home Improvements
I’ve assembled Ikea furniture before. I can do my own woodwork.
Musk buys Twitter
RIP Thread
Not thread title…just headline plus the video-still-picture next to it. The StarTribune does this often where the headline doesn’t correspond to the video they have featured in their “Today’s Video” section.
That was a helluva fall.
What could go wrong?
When people do stupid stuff and die
Can someone explain
What could go wrong?
Random Thoughts
Random Questions
FTX Disaster
RIP Thread
Long hours
Annoyed thoughts
Valentine’s gift ideas
The suckiest time of the year
Wednesday Weekly Weigh-in
Wednesday Weekly Weigh-in
Annoyed thoughts
Cheese Thread
Funny and SFW
Trump Arrest Watch
Favorite YouTube videos
Trump Arrest Watch
Carlson leaving Fox
Happy Thoughts
Anybody like ice fishing?
Random questions
This headline from wsj:
Jenny Craig, the Once-Highflying Weight-Loss Brand, Is Going Out of Business After 40 Years
And this Fox Trot comic (it’s in re-runs):
Thread for Bad Advice
I am going to buy this today and reasons why