Installing Linux


I googled “windows usb/dvd download tool” it brought me to Windows USB/DVD Download Tool - Microsoft Store, and I’m thinking, “Great! It’s going to give me exactly what I need!”

When I click on " 1. Click to open the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool page." it brings me to a 404 page.
Just keep swimming…just keep swimming…

From How to Burn ISO to USB
Gonna try

…so far…so good…getting that iso properly burned :fire: onto my usb as I post.

It took me a while to figure out how to boot from the usb (on this lenoveo t430) but I finally figured it out.

ubuntu is installing…

Check finished. Errors found in 19 files! You might encounter errors! :omgwtfbbq:

You’ll get errors
. Just ignore them.
Download updates as you install as well, and let it do the default partitioning.

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Installation is complete. You need to restart the computer in order to use the new installation.
[Restart Now]


Hard Disk Problems Detected.
A hard disk is likely to fail soon.

That’s okay…it just got wiped by the installation…ain’t nuthin’ on there anymores.

Well, well, well… here’s my first post via firefox on ubuntu.

I did it. Yay!

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When I try to install Folding @ Home, I see these options:

Debian / Mint / Ubuntu

…I tried “Open with Software Install (default)” but I get “Failed to Install file: not supported”

…somehow it brought me to an installation screen though, and now it appears to be installed.

What’s the deal with installing software on ubuntu?

Norma!!y you either do what you did, download and install. Or if it’s in the general Ubuntu repositories, you just go into the software library and find it there. I.e Ubuntu has an installed software app that has a huge library of apps.

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hope you stick with it. The only thing I was able to do was use firefox.

That’s about all I’ll do with it as well…I have a capable windows-laptop that serves all of my needs…this is an uncapable windows-laptop that now runs on linux. It’s just a spare at this point. Wife may use it to watch some netflix or amazon prime when the TV has trouble picking up the internet connection. Otherwise, I’ll just use it to find a cure for cancer and maybe some other stuff.

Here you go…


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Honeslty though, what else do people really use a laptop for these days?
Browser - 90%
Email and calendar (and there’s apps for that in linux) - 9%
A bit of word processing and spreadsheet stuff maybe, (and there’s free apps for that on linux) - 1%.
I think most people don’t run ‘apps’ on their laptop. And for the few that do, many of those apps have a free counterpart on linux.
The only thing I have to fire up on windows is industry illustration software.And even that’s disappearing in that form.

i agree. But there was this one game i wanted to run through the website Steam. I thought with just the browser it would work, but no dice. I don’t even play the game much, but it bothered me.

The biggest positive i thought was things would run faster, but they didn’t

I think there’s steam for linux,and many games are available.

I would guess that @Lucy would know about this…

Wait… misread the title. Never mind.

As it happens, I do know, however. Yes, Steam runs on Linux, and there are a lot of games that work. But not as many as work on Windows.

yep, found that out first hand