
So, since I can’t sleep, I am writing a short story. It’s been a while since I had to write something like this. And, it has to be actuarial in nature, which is like a dam for the creative juices. It’s not flowing!

Just go heavy on the math puns, even if you think they’re derivative.

Yaaaay insomnia club. Even some ambien and melatonin can’t beat a day’s bad sleep hygiene.

Some of us don’t have insomnia, we are still at work. I hopefully finish in about 30 minutes (East coast US). Currently 2:55 AM.

I cranked something out. Needs several drafts of revisions and a few other eyes on it before I will feel confident submitting. It’s due in another 11 days, so I have some time.

In college, I could write a short story the night before it was due with minimal editing. My brain feels creaky and foggy now, makes me sad.

Speculative fiction contest huh. One of the other actuarials is all excited about that, but the topic hasn’t spurred any great creativity in me. Good luck with your story.

I’m not sure if it’s actuarial enough. And so far it’s too heavy on dialogue, but I hate storylines that rely on descriptions to move the plot along. It has a long way to go. I doubt it’s going to win anything.

Oh just another night of no sleep despite getting none of it the night before.

Took enough melatonin to knock out a Rhino, slept for an hour, back to being awake with the toddler now. At least I have company.

Mistakes were made

For a few weeks, I was following a saga on Twitter of a woman whose pre-teen daughter was in a terrible accident, suffered a traumatic brain injury, and unfortunately succumbed to her injuries a few days ago.

The hope that she would wake up had me checking Twitter hourly, waiting for updates. When the mother announced that she had passed, I couldn’t stop thinking about how awful that would feel.

Tonight, a week or so later, I can’t push it aside. I’m sobbing in my office over a family I’ve never met, and it feels like the world is so hopelessly cruel.

How do you go on living after the universe chews you up and spits you out like that? How do you continue to show up for your other children? Why do things like this happen?

Brene Brown says you can’t mute the bad while feeling all of the good, and I believe that’s true. But the lows are sometimes SO low. Do the highs make up for it? I envy the people who can live in the moment, absorbing all of the good and pushing through the bad, coming out the other side. I brace for the bad and dilute the good, hard as I try to avoid it, and how is that even living?

(I’m awake. As always.)

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take up pokemongo for mindless entertainment, and stop reading about other people’s problems. :thumbsup:


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I suspect these questions are somewhat rhetorical, but I will say this…

This woman is going to survive this thing simply because she has to. After she closes her eyes at night, they are going to open again in the morning whether she wants them to or not. And at that point, this woman will have a choice. She can fold on her other children to grieve the one that has passed, or she can put one foot in front of the other and keep going for the blessings that she still has and that still need her to keep breathing. You have to believe that she will be strong enough for the latter, and if she’s not, that someone else will be there to help her get there.

That said, the world isn’t fair, and it never will be. It’s a sad fact - but that’s why we need to remember to be grateful for all the good that we do have, and to always strive to help those whose luck hasn’t been as great as our own. Nobody deserves a better life or a better outcome than anybody else, we all just have to hope for the best and pick eachother up when one of us goes down. In theory, anyway.


i can’t believe my post with that excellent advice got no hearts.

I was gonna get up before 7:00 to put out the ģarbage, but since my eyes popped open @5:15, I leveraged my synergies in a proactive manner. ima go back to sleep for another couple of hours. Night night!!!

I was thinking about it tonight, and I don’t believe I’ve been more than ten or fifteen miles away from my house in almost a year. My parents live 6 miles in one direction, my office is 6 miles in the other, and I’ve only driven beyond those points a handful of times, all only slightly beyond. Haven’t left the county, or even the city, the whole time.

You read about these people who live their lives having never left their county and wonder how it’s possible, and then you realize you’ve just lived at least 1% of your entire lifetime doing the same.

I couldn’t get to sleep until 3:00ish this morning. ****!

Can’t sleep, got a text at 3am that has me all wound up. Was not necessarily a stress inducing text for normal people, but here we are, never sleeping again. I think I forgot how.

My doctor prescribed me an antihistamine that apparently works very well as a sleep aid. Haven’t tried it yet, don’t remember the name, think it starts with an H. Not convinced it will be what I want though.

I don’t think I’ll have insomnia tonight. I’m having a hard time staying awake.

Night night!!! :sleeping_bed: :sleeping:
