Sudafed is a stimulant, so likely part of the problem.
Maybe take the sudafed around dinner time? Idk. A single Benadryl (half dose) often gives me at least a few hours of sleep without the sleep medicine hangover when I have a cold.
I assume it contributed, but it’s my cold med of choice and I use it often when I sleep, so it’s an unusual experience.
I’ll be taking some PTO today to try to feel better. Woke up feeling even worse! Wheezing and sinus pressure.
Woke up at 2:30.
Woke up at 3am, gave up after 35 minutes.
Running out of the internet. Might go grab coffee #3 and look at some work crap because I’ve got another 2 hours before I can start making a lot of noise around the house.
I rarely have insomnia, but one thing that messes with my sleep badly is Prednisone. I’ve been up since 3am. This is the 3rd night in the last week where I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.
for getting-back-to-sleep struggles