
Perhaps one hasn’t yet drowned completely but is currently in the process? :man_shrugging:t3:

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It’s that new RBNI reserve.



I guess no one has ever worn a lifejacket in that lake. So far 1 out of 237 has survived (there’s a chance!!!)


could also go to the AI thread, as it wanted to give me Grimace’s stats

looks like Mr & Mrs Met swapped shoes. Check the feet closes to Grimace.

Maybe 237 people have died in the lake and the lifejacket counts are a current observation totally unrelated to the deaths.

Can’t help it Grimace’s uniform number is one more than the number of days until…

the count down posts are intended to show the matching uniform number to the days left

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where is that Captain Obvious emoticon from long ago?


It’s in the miscellaneous section right at the bottom of the emojis. :+1: :thumbup:

And code is…
…which is pretty obvious, imo. (<— that’s a joke, btw)


Well, obviously…

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The person who posted this one apparently believed it. I didn’t read the comments posted in response, but I suspect the poster got corrected. (Searching makes it unclear who posted it first, but it has been called out.)

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At least in the penny one the error is obvious (365 x 100 instead of 365 / 100). We never did figure out what sequence of keystrokes led someone to believe the quarter one, did we?

Very strange. Some comments are agreeing (without explanation) some are disagreeing. Very surprised how many agreeing comments there are.

This is the page it’s from, posted yesterday. 3.3K comments


Is there some AI trying to determine who is stupid? I mean, they already know the people who don’t understand the order of operations. So, splitting that group into REAL dummies (or just extremely gullible when reading posts with numbers)?

It’s going to take me a few decades to let that sink in.


I’ll put this here…

A stretched polar vortex event played a significant role in the Arctic outbreak that froze Texas in February 2021, killing more than 200 people, according to a 2020 study.

From The polar vortex is acting weird and the US is paying the price this winter <— link to Apple news

I think that last line was supposed to be “ according to a 2020 study on time travel”