Improved Covid vaccine poll

Looks like Dr. Fauci has discovered the difference between “of” and “with”.


That’s cute, but doesn’t validate any of the crazy anti-Vaxxer claims made for the last two years.

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You really have to hand it to those anti-vaxxers. They didn’t even wait for the COVID to start their crazy claims.

The crazy antivaxxers mostly started with the measles vaccine.

I know, right? Vaccines are like all or nothing. You gotta take every vaccine that comes along, even if it’s the same one over and over if that’s what they tell you. It’d be crazy to do anything else.

I’ve taken pretty much every vaccine I’m eligible for, and I’ve taken a few multiple times. The polio vaccine is a 3 dose series in childhood, and I had all three. And then, when I visited Africa, they told me I needed a booster. So I took it again. Same vaccine. But I wanted to boost my immunity.

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Welcome to the U.S. Armed Forces, maggot.

Yeah, I know, because if you take agency over your own body concerning vaccines, you’re crazy. Everyone knows that.

There is that growing list of people on the right that argued its not at all crazy and ended up on the bad side of covid statistics. That’s a bit new in the broader anti Vax movement, isn’t it? That you have dozens of examples of healthy people promoting their anti Vax position then die in the span of a few months from the virus they told people to not worry about?

Yeah, that’s crazy.

Skipping a vaccine for a rare disease that is not actively spreading around the globe is selfish but not crazy. Skipping the one that has killed thousands of people a day for a couple years now I think might be crazy, at least if they have no natural immunity from a prior infection, otherwise they are just selfish.

You’ve got your talking points mixed up there buddy.

People get several common colds over their lifetime.

Because it mutates.

This uncommon cold also mutates.

“Natural Immunity” is not a thing with COVID. Some UCI Professor (not in a science) just got fired for refusing to take a vaccine, his citing “Natural Immunity” as his defense.
Shit, I feel like I have COVID now. And I’ve had it before AND vaccines and booster. Going to get tested tomorrow.

I think people who have had covid are less likely to die and less likely to go to the hospital and use up resources, but more likely to get sick and spread it to others. In a pandemic where people are still going to the hospital and dying, that seems mostly selfish, but not crazy.

Vaccines on top of a prior infection to limit being a vector I think is a reasonable employment condition for some jobs, in particular healthcare workers.

I got my vaccine when it was my turn and boosted when it was advised. I think they are safe and encourage others to get them.

I took agency over my body concerning vaccines by seeking out a vaccine as soon as i could. If you take agency, you may make any number of choices. Only a few of them are crazy, imo. But yeah, a few of them are crazy or ill-informed.

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How about that.

I know a family from my old stomping grounds. One kid was in my HS class. Whole family is totally anti-vax on COVID and generally the typical right-wing, batshit crazy crowd.

Mid-July, the father - late 70s - gets sick with COVID. Passes it on to his wife, late 70s, and their oldest kid, late 50s. Father goes on a vent, dies late July. Oldest kid goes on a vent about the same time, dies early August. Wife somehow manages to avoid a vent, survives.

2nd oldest kid, mid-50s, catches COVID in late September, lands on a vent, survives after 3 weeks on a vent and 7 weeks in the hospital but has serious issues as a result. 3rd oldest kid (one in my class) catches COVID late October, lands on a vent, dies early December.

Did I mention none of them are vaxxed? I mean, it goes without saying, but let’s just make it official.

Who’s to blame for all of this? Surviving son admits “this shit is real, I should have taken it seriously, people need to get vaxxed.” Mom swears it’s George Soros sending a CIA hit squad after “real American Patriots who dare speak the real truth.”

I have no idea how you even attempt to reason with that.


Crazy that it wasn’t enough for his father to die, his brother to die, his mother to almost die, for him to take it seriously. Blows my mind.

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The problem comes in when agency and responsibility hit. If you refuse a vaccine without strong medical rationale (balance of risks tilt heavily to vaccine), and have a 3-5x higher chance of requiring scarce resources, how do you “accept responsibility”? Do you decline care? Do you pay for the deaths you cause? How can you even know? It might have been reasonable to “wait and see” early on (while taking precautionary measures to reduce risk of catching/transmitting), but I’d argue the vaccine case has been made.

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Yes, imagining that a vaccine is a magic one and done is crazy.

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