Implied broad equivalence of different credentials (from current mutual recognition agreements)

hi GoActuary people

From a look (see bottom of this post) at current mutual recognition agreements of the main actuarial societies (apart from the EU ones which are different because they tend to have far less emphasis on exams taken after university), and including situations where at least one of these actuarial societies has mutual recognition with another, the following seem to be being treated as broadly equivalent (or at least sufficiently equivalent to permit mutual recognition):

Associates for Associates, and Fellows for Fellows, for each of :

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
Institute of Actuaries of India
Actuaries Institute of Australia
Society of Actuaries
Casualty Actuarial Society
Actuarial Society of South Africa
Society of Actuaries in Ireland
Israel Actuarial Society
Canadian Institute of Actuaries

I’m interested in your views.
Does this seem reasonable to you? Does anyone strongly disagree?

Summary of current Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs)
IFoA current MRAs:
Institute of Actuaries of India (NB IFoA MRA only recognises Fellows, not Associates, see from 2021, IAI has an Associate category)
Actuaries Institute of Australia (NB IFoA MRA only recognises Fellows, not Associates, see from 2021 Institute of Actuaries (Australia), AIA has an Associate category)
Actuarial Society of South Africa (again IFoA MRA only recognises Fellows, see from 2021, ASSA has an Associate Category)

Israel Association of Actuaries (interestingly here, the IFoA ILAA MRA recognises both Associates and Fellows, see from Aug 2021)

Interestingly, despite the IFoA no longer admitting SOA Fellows for some reason, the SOA seem to say that they admit Fellows via MRA from the IFoA, IAI and Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland ( see Application for Admission as Fellow via IFA, IOAA, or SOAI Mutual Recognition | SOA)

Similarly the CAS admit Fellows via MRA from the IFoA, IAI, ASSA and IAI, see Mutual Recognition | Casualty Actuarial Society

The Society of Actuaries in Ireland doesn’t have its own exams (instead it recognises the IFoA ones), but has both Associate and Fellow categories. (see Recent Qualifiers)
It also has mutual recognition agreements, including with the CIA Canadian Institute of Actuaries.