I'll Pass

Hate the days following Password changes. It takes a while to get the muscle memory to kick in.

Company required new Phone Mail codes, I can’t set myself, so I have to look up.
Company e-mail actually requires me to change my phone login password

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[red] That’s what Post-it® Notes are for [/red]

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there are apps for saving passwords

One place where I worked didn’t allow non-IT-approved apps…so there’s that.

for some, I am well aware what they are, but takes a while to not type in the old.

as for the phone ID, i did sticky note it

for many others I just change a number at the end of the base code, when I update. and I will change the three I regularly update at the same time to keep the number consistent

Travel reimbursement has been so long, I have no idea what the current one is.


On my first day of work, instead of using one of my currently known passwords for personal things, I kind of just awkwardly took the time to generate a 16-character password in my head with random symbols and then memorize it while the IT guy just sat there waiting for me for 15 minutes while I did that.

I maintain a list of the different passwords and the interval at which they must be updated. Not the passwords themselves, but like:

Email: every 3 months, can’t reuse last 6
Voicemail: every 6 months, can’t reuse last 1
Expense reimbursement: every 6 months, can’t reuse last 6
Software 1…
Software 2…

The issue with not updating them and not being allowed to reuse the old ones is that then you might force yourself to get out of sync.

Like if I’m cycling through P@$$word1, P@$$word2, etc. and I don’t update the expense reimbursement from 1 to 2 because I don’t have to, and then I cycle all the way back to 1 for email… I might not have 1 available for expense reimbursement because it might be one of the last 6.

So I prefer to just suck it up and devote like 15 minutes to changing all my passwords. That’s my preferred MO, anyway. I certainly do not have perfect compliance.

There are also certain passwords which, if they happen to match your main system password then you don’t have to re-enter them. But if they don’t match then you do. I haven’t begun to memorize which ones those are, so I have to have it written down so that I remember to change a password that I never actually enter.

I see few security risks to having passwords written on a piece of paper in my home.

All my passwords are Favoritesportsteam1 or Favoritesportsteam1! depending on if the p/w requires a symbol. Then I rotate through 1, 2, 3, 4…after 4 I try to go back to 1. If not I keep going and re-trying “1” every time.

Sidenote: I have a different Favoritesportsteam for different things. Banking. Work. Person. Messing around.

I do something similiar. I use addresses with random punctuation. Alternatively I use combinations of cars, years, and some identifier. Like 2001fiat5door.

My company encourages us to use password managers, in order to avoid the risks caused by using the same password everyplace, or using easy-to-guess/easy-to-dictionary-attack passwords.

Unfortunately, we’re not allowed to install password managers on our computers. So, since we are in a position to have to manually type in passwords…

I had one system that required at least 2 or more different characters from a previous password with something like a not the last 12 passwords or something stupid like that. And it was one where there was a production version, yesterday’s version, and about 3 or 4 test versions. That was the worst because when you didn’t get into the yesterday’s or test versions very often, but you updated the production one every 30 days as required, it could get really hard to remember which number of password you were up to on the others.

Password manager plus diceware passwords. I have 3 5-word/number phrases that I have to remember (master pass, and two work passes that don’t have to be changed), and then the rest is generated by the password manager. I finally got my spouse to start using a pw manager, so less repeated passwords, but they still exist :-/ Their master pass is written down, but I think both of us need to add a note to our respective repository with the other’s master pass in case of an emergency.

Can I use :fu: as a special symbol?

Sure, as long as digits are allowed

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have any companies adopted biometrics? That would be much easier

They are a pain. I don’t even have a passcode on my phone.

I think I once used “thisisreallystupid” as a pass phrase when none of my normal passwords met the requirements. “thisisreallystupid” worked just fine though.

I had that password, although I think I used dumb instead of stupid. :laughing: And I added 123 at the end for the numerical requirement.

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