I am going to buy this (these) today and reasons why

Buying a new belt from Allen Edmonds. I’ve worn this one about six days a week for a decade or so and it’s pretty worn at this point.


The wallet guys?

That’s Mitchell. And they do make belts. I almost ordered one from them, you can’t lose with either Mitchell Leather or Allen Edmonds, imo.

Dropped a hundred bucks on the TOTL Logitech mouse. I had an Anker that was decent, but since I use it so much, figured it’s worth having a great mouse.

Couple hundred on a keyboard and mouse that you use all day, should be a non-issue.
I’ve got a decent gamers mouse and a tactile keyboard with cherry keys and those rubber inserts on all my keyboards. A bit loud for office work, but I work from home in a separate room so it’s fine.

Exactly. I have a Das Keyboard with the Cherry mechanical keys.

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Disc golf. Bought 12 today. I got a crew of good dudes that invite me to play. They like the no-context T-roy


Yes! I need to get out there and throw. It’s been a while.

I discovered the joy of mechanical keyboards in the wake of doing office upgrades after I went stir-crazy during my 3 week isolation with my first case of COVID.

The only problem with this is that now, when I do go into the office, I have to make do with lesser keyboards, and I hate it.

My keyboards (work PC and personal PC) have Cherry silent red switches. Despite the name, they aren’t silent, but they aren’t terribly clicky either.

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Finally bought me a Little Giant ladder. Won’t be delivered for a bit, but I’ve really needed it since we bought the house 20 years ago.

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If you are able to choose between having it not-locked in place and locked in place, choose the ladder.


This just popped up in my Amazon recommendations:

Perhaps I should make it one of my 15 pieces of flair on my laptop bag.


Sure, if you want to do the “bare minimum”.


Hey ao_fan, what’s your mailing address?
you know you want to click this

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The Logitech mouse is glorious. I’m still customizing it.

The thumb scroll wheel is just first rate. It does horizontal scrolling in Excel, and in Chrome it adjusts the volume, super handy for Google Meets. You can customize all of the buttons to do different things for different applications. The software to set it all up is pretty straightforward.

It’s this guy:

I just use the wireless mouse that came with my Mac, and the HP mouse that came with my job’s workstation.

Trackballs or GTFO.

Thinking about not buying a new car today, or ever, and just keep fixing up my old car. It’s for me only, as we have another car for trips and such.
New car that I want (ICE, stick, generally fun to drive) is gonna be $40K.
New car that I’ll probably settle for and die a little because of (hybrid/electric, boring as all get-out) is also gonna be $40K.
Fixing up my old car, maybe a replaced engine in about five years (currently leaks oil), new paint job (or a fancy-colored wrap) after fixing rust spots, etc., won’t be more than $10K, and I’ll still have the fun car that I am used to.

What are the cars you a) want and b) might settle for?

I was pretty committed to a CTR, then eyeballed the Golf R pretty hard. Now I’m considering waiting another year or two until EV infrastructure is good enough in KS to buy one of those.

Yeah, that much quicker acceleration is gonna be boring.