Hunter Biden Investigation

Fair points regarding the parties. I’m not as big on that one as I am on term limits. Agree that stopping government funds can be done without abolishing parties. I’d be fine with that.

Voting for Trump is fairly consistent with that though.

Do you feel the same way about interracial marriage / Loving vs Virginia?

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Personally, I don’t think the government should be involved in marriage at all.

You’d instead have a long series of little individual contracts to manage things like estates, visits in hospitals, etc.?

Edit: Nevermind, that still involves the government, my bad.


I’m inclined to agree with this.

When I was with Jaspess I, I was briefly in a PhD program before her emerging health issues prevented her from being able to consistently work full time. So I sacrificed and left my program to take the job I currently have. But for a few months until first day of work, we were both technically unemployed, so we were both on unemployment, food stamps, and Medicaid. The programs served us well, and once I started work and got established (and also she randomly left me … but that’s a different conversation), I stopped using the programs since I didn’t need them anymore.

It was a humbling experience, but it taught me that there is a legitimate place for legitimate uses of such programs. It’s corruption and system gaming that need to be rooted out, not the programs themselves. Which is therefore an implementation issue.


The laptop story getting buried is the first thing brought up in every single conversation I have had with my right leaning friends since 2020. RDO confirms this and explains the BS as to why, SV covered why it is nonsense.

I think it has become very important for Republicans to think the only reason Trump lost was because the media did not cover this correctly, so they have spent 4 years trying to pin something on Hunter as a way justify everything in their view of the world.


Interesting. Would cause major changes to tax code and privileges granted to married couples if the government ignored marriage altogether.

Complaining about press coverage instead of the item itself has become a pandemic. I wonder why the media isn’t covering that!

I think what he meant to say is that the government should enforce the rights of the husband against his wife if they had a proper church wedding.

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I don’t follow this. Where were we? How do we get there?

I don’t think that’s extremist at all. Just very solidly Republican.

The Republican Party is much farther right than the Democratic Party is left.


I’d say that the Republican Party is guilty of all the same things that FA highlighted above, and more so.

I don’t know if I’d call it “farther right” or “farther left” though since in some ways we have shifted in both directions over the years. For example, Gay Marriage is now the norm.

67% of Americans now support Gay Marriage (a figure that is likely to increase as time goes on). I’d say that’s pretty centrist today and mainstream. Opposing it put you on the right and not in a good way.

I’m still somewhat lost on what woke is and why it’s bad. From what I can tell “woke” is some combination of everything that I dislike and not being an asshole to disadvantaged people.

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I didn’t say I oppose gay marriage. I just said that I disagreed with the way SCOTUS implemented it.


The Overton window in the US has shifted to the right because of Trump.

Views that were extreme pre-Trump have become normalised today.

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A lot of your concerns can be dealt with without “abolishing” political parties.

Yup, that was noted above, and I conceded the point.

I side with FA on this one (the only thing, so far).
A boilerplate contract can handle all this. I’m guessing one has already been created.

And the civil courts, not governmental laws, would handle breaches.