How to get my car to Hawaii?

Disagree. This is like saying that you have to “drive to each part of a state” to say that you drove in that state. (Case in point: do you require driving on every island found in a state?)

I thought there were ferries that could take you from one island to another w/o the need to “ship” the vehicle.


Per Wikipedia, List of islands of Hawaii - Wikipedia

but that article goes on to list 152 separate named islands and says there are more.

it was a joke, but thanks GoA!


James Bond modifications to your current vehicle.

Right. Look up Ship of Theseus

Hard to rent a 10 year old car



African or European?


Or wait until you were thinking of selling it anyway and then just sell it in Hawaii and buy the new(er) car on the mainland so you only have to ship it one way.

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Alternative: join a branch of the military and get yourself stationed in Hawaii (not trivial - my brother had to volunteer for Korea first in order to line up a Hawaii PCS) and the military will ship your car for free! on the taxpayers’ dime.

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Is the Alaska trip going to be like the remainder of your road trip: spend 4-5 days driving to the border, and turn around after you cross the state line?

Pro tip: Driving to Hyder from the lower 48 takes a lot less time than driving to the rest of the state.

For Alaska drive through Canada and get a Province list started

He can take a ferry to Alaska.

I saw this elsewhere and it reminded me of the CS road trips: here is a route map for every city in the US named Cleveland. Could be the next CS road trip.

Next, do Franklin.



Theseus had a similar conundrum.

Was going to make a similar comment until I realized I’d be ninja’d by a few days.