How do you pronounce

I couldn’t find the read about, Only having seen it written, though that wouldn’t match exactly so here it is.

I was watching a FB reel and there were people at a Van Gogh exhibition and they were talking about him and both of them pronounced his name as Van Goff. They were both British. Is that how the Brits pronounce his name? I don’t believe I have ever heard it that way before.

You pronounce it like it’s a beverage: Cappy Cola ! ! !

My wife pronounces it that way too.

I had a former co-worker try to educate me on the “correct” pronunciations of Italian foods based on her NJ Italian heritage. I explained to her that most people in Italy do not pronounce these foods like the NJ and Staten Island people do. She insisted that the Italians in Italy are not pronouncing them properly, and only NJ/Staten Island pronunciations are correct.

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This guy from Harrison NJ seems to have the same pronunciations as my former co-worker, and an equal conviction that the NJ dialect is the only acceptable way to pronounce these Italian foods: