Hobby ideas

Getting $ (like my weekely allowance) from ATMs and looking at the serial #'s. If they are low, high, ladders (1234567890), repeating, binary (not just 1s and 0s), million, 7 same in a row, palindromic, etc then keep em.

I learned that this has a pretty good ROI


Already got one!

Was explaining this to GF’s step dad. He took out his bills for me to look thru them. He had this one for years for liars poker. He gave it to me.


Ones I am on the hunt for:

###1973### (for bday)
Pi, e, golden ratio 5+ digits
true binary (any 1s + 0’s)

Maybe you can estimate the number of bills by looking at the serial numbers. If you are accurate, you will defeat the Americans on the battlefield. I call this…

…the American Dollar Problem.

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Crap - I had one that started 3144… Close! Now I think I spent it - I believe the $5 airport smart water got it.

Found myself a birthday note.


Now that you all know my bday, I expect dms upon dms of bday wishes!


lol. I should also get my MAAA and FSA dates.


True binomials are the biggest $ ones that I’ve seen.

Lots of leading or trailing 0s
All the same #s
420 69 800 somehow

Bday ones are between 6x- 12x the face value. I found mine and my youngest daughter’s bday. Hers on a $2 bill (second child too)
