Hey Polymath, I'll show you mine if you show me yours

Hey @The_Polymath, Is your profile pic really your cat? B’cuz mine looks kinda like that. See:

I even got 2 and they are best friends:


Yes. We rescued him back in 2017 (he was semi-feral) and he is approx. 11 years old now.


Is that any relation to Will Feral?

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Those ears look to be interchangeable.

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down to a quarter or so now?

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that’s funny, I had a cat for about 13 years that looked almost identical. Unfortunately just over a year ago his health took a turn and we had to put him down. I was sadder than I thought I would be, given how much trouble he gave me while he was alive (he liked to pee everywhere but his litterbox)

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Awww man. It looks like he’s seen some things. And some stuff.


Obviously one is a selfie.


I take a lot of pics of my cat (my wife thinks I am a bit obsessed) so I have tried doing selfies with him.

He has had a lot of health issues over the years (he was not in great shape when we rescued him), and it was quite touch and go for a while, but he is doing ok now. He always looks a bit melancholic in pictures.

Not sure if you do the ear tipping thing in the US, but over here in the UK, they will mark a semi-feral cat living outside with other cats as neutered by clipping a small part of his ear (I am not really a fan of this but he was like this when we were able to take him in)

Here is a more normal pic:

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I first read this as “alcoholic”. :flushed:


The london market is…something. even the cats drink

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He looks a bit pissed off with the British economy.


Nope same for me

I like to think of myself as a hardened thug, didn’t shed a tear when any of my 4 grandparents died

After my sweet cat passed away I could not function for days. I buried her in my backyard and I still tear up every time I walk past her grave. Even just writing this makes me emotional


Yeah we eartip over here in the US too

In japan they just cutch a notch into their ear tip, which seems neater and more humane

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“I shouldn’t have voted for Brexit.”
–TPM’s cat