Headless Haiti

I say the EU should help out

I guess weā€™ll be seeing a massive influx of Haitian refugees if we havenā€™t already.

There are already a large number of Haitian refugees in Canada, primarily in Montreal because French is spoken there.

Itā€™s complicated. The West is reluctant to interfere militarily because of colonialism allegations. That is largely why only the Kenyan police are there.

Wasnā€™t Haiti at the top of Trumpā€™s list of ā€œshit holeā€ countries?

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I guess France should maybe give all the reparations back but that would probably just line Mr. Barbecueā€™s pockets.

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Hell will freeze over before France sends them any money now.

There is a huge amount of hypocrisy here of course given previous french actions.

Agreed. It was unconscionable that Haiti had to pay massive reparations to France (as well as to slaveholders) when slavery was abolished in Haiti.

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I shared this article in 2022 in a different thread but it is appropriate to re-gift it here. Like other folks here I was generally aware of Franceā€™s poor treatment of Haiti, but I had no idea of the magnitude until I read this.



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as billy bragg once sang ā€œā€¦the 3rd world, is just around the cornerā€

total chaos in a country that has been set up for it from its origins

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