Have we rounded the corner for the final time?

Why? Are you against eradicating covid?

Hard no on a vaccine passport in the US. By July you either had the chance to get a vaccine or you drank the koolaid and think COVID is a hoax. I can wear a mask in public, but otherwise life needs to go back to normal by then.


We aren’t eradicating COVID. It will become endemic coronavirus #5.

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Well people not getting vaccinated makes that certain

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No, I’m against the government collecting information that they have no right to have under the guise of the emergency. We already seen what government will do with personal medical information - or are we just ignoring the HIV travel ban that so many countries had in the late 1900s. The government has an interest in know the percentage of people vaccinated — they have no need to know the identities of those. If private venues want to enforce vaccine rules, they can do so at their own expense – the government should not be collecting and providing that information.


It was certain the minute it was a pandemic. We have eliminated 1 virus in history, and it took 20 years of constant vigilence. COVID is with us for at least the next quarter century.

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An hiv travel ban makes very little sense. Can easily avoid getting hiv. I cannot avoid covid as easily. Gotta breathe. Fine with a covid travel ban. Also hiv is a lifetime illness. Covid isnt. Dont travel when you have covid. Those really arent comparable

Can’t they just use the data from the chips they are implanting :man_shrugging:


Aren’t all the mass vaccination sites government run? Wouldnt they therefore know if you were vaccinated already?

I mean, assuming that the VA and county health departments talks to the state or federal government is a dangerous thing, but yeah, plenty of government bodies have been vaccinating and at a minimum know who they vaccinated.

They probably aren’t supposed to share that info except on a need-to-know basis.

Someone has yet to give me a good reason why this is a bad idea. The hiv comparison made little to no sense.


I got vaccinated at a hospital. The state needs to know some demographic info about me, but not my identity.

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yeah, but many of the mass vaccination sites are state run.

Are you one of those ZeroCovid crazies?


Oh really, I don’t think any here are. They are county-run where I live. The county health departments are vaccinating a lot of folks. But it was harder to figure out how to get an appointment with the county than the various drugstores and hospital systems.

well, not sure. but does county run rather than state run make a difference in what information the government has?

i’m just not really seeing a problem with the government knowing my vaccination status regardless.

[quote=“twig93, post:91, topic:1872”] …plenty of government bodies have been vaccinating and at a minimum know who they vaccinated.

They probably aren’t supposed to share that info except on a need-to-know basis.

Each state maintains an immunization information system. Unless the provider doesn’t participate, the state government records who’s received what vaccine.

Is there any medical information you wouldn’t feel comfortable with the government having?

Having? Probably not at the moment. Using? Depends on the use.

There are certainly some uses I would oppose, and if I thought they were likely, that would impact my opinion on “having”.