Happy Thoughts

Everyone complaining about gas prices and I’m sitting here with a (mostly) electric car and a scooter that gets 97mpg. :popcorn:


For me I wanted to be below pre-diabetes. Pre-diabetes is sort of a made up diagnosis. It’s a point where many docs will push meds “to prevent diabetes” but I’m unclear on how well those meds work for prevention. Type 2 diabetes is strong in my family, and I’m not ready to go there, although I probably can’t prevent it totally.

Yes, people will tell me I can prevent diabetes with diet & exercise, but I know thin people who have it. And diets just make me obsess about food and want the things I “can’t have”. My A1C is actually lower even though I gained a few pounds.

Mine is 5.3, which seems higher than it has been… I should look at the trend and see if it’s something to worry about.

(I’m fat. Nearly obese. But there isn’t any diabetes in my family.)

One week until my anniversary vacation to Savannah!


I thought about responding to a post but stopped myself.


And it’s now purring like a kitten. Or a cougar.

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Being told you are “grossly unremarkable” as a result of a medical test

I didn’t.

same, but that’s more of a frustrated thought than a happy thought.

No, because replying would have led to frustrating thoughts and the thread for regretful things.

it would lead to frustration for me either way.

A friend’s mom just had her last chemo treatment today!!!



I’ve heard of some weird fetishes before, but, man, I think you may need some help…

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My son and I have COVID, so we are each upstairs in our rooms while my wife and daughter are downstairs.

My daughter installed what she calls a pulley system to transfer things from upstairs to downstairs. It is a string (shoe lace style not sure what that is called), tied to a basket that we can pull to raise/lower things. She was very proud, and it is adorable.


I ordered from Amazon and just received a five pound bag of Sixlets.

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Talk about a missed marketing opportunity to offer them in a SIX-pound bag.


Well, it’s one more, isn’t it?


I’m no stranger to ordering candy off of the ol’ interwebs… but Sixlets?

If you are gonna order some candy, why not order something good?

Eta… It appears that the world’s supply of Zagnut bars is officially “none”

pour out a moxie for our brother

(I used to eat zagnuts occasionally. I liked pretty much ALL candy, and would revel in the places that had variety when I was a kid.)

When I’ve eaten them out of those tiny little halloween-sized sleeves of diabetes, I’ve found them to be crave-worthy. Now that I can eat them by the handful, not as much. Still pretty good, but this will probably be a one time purchase…consider it a mid life crisis.

WTG? Never heard of it. I’m not a fan of coconut, but toasted coconut is pretty good. If I ever do come across it at some point, I’ll be sure to give it a try.