Handmaid's Tale (TV Show)

As soon as she got on the train, my wife said just how it would end.

Yeah, even I saw that coming.

My son took the same train ride as the Handmaid’s Tale refugees (from Toronto to Vancouver) a few months ago: it took four days including the usual one day late. Good luck to the American refugees on the train given the crowded conditions…

Yeah standing up for more than half an hour is not going to be fun

especially without diapers!!

The Handmaid’s Tale book has been banned from the school library by the Madison County school board in Virginia along with other “prurient” books such as Snow Falling on Cedars.

It’s a fairly disturbing story.

If you’re going to ban anything, I’m not surprised to see it on the list.

I’m against banning books in general tho. Kids see a lot of more disturbing shit elsewhere.

Rotten.com anyone?

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