Gun Violence in America

GA doesn’t have red flag laws. Even if they thought the kid was a danger, it’s not clear what they could legally do to stop him.

Thoughts and prayers?


I’ll reiterate my belief that firearm owners should be liable for misdeeds performed with their firearms unless/until they are properly transferred to a new owner (with very few exceptions).

It wouldn’t prevent some tragedies…but it would only take a few instances of owners being penalized because someone else committed an atrocity with their guns before more people started doing a better job exercising control over their firearms.


Fully on board.

My state recently enacted laws that if you did not store your weapon safely and a child gets ahold of it, you may be fined or imprisoned.

$500 fine for the child brandishing your weapon in public, up to 15 years and $10,000 if the child kills themselves or another. The Second Amendment “Organized Militia” folks were very angry about not being allowed to negligently leave guns in reach of children, but our Democratic majority got it through anyway.

I’d like to see similar laws not only for children. If your gun is stolen from your home, or at the range when you took a bathroom break, there should be no penalty if the gun is reported stolen. If you are having a party with loose, loaded guns and somebody drunkenly shoots another person, there should be repercussions.

I know too many irresponsible gun owners in the US. My own Marine FIL is one.

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Has gun, is irresponsible.

Wait, I think we have been through all of that already. But good luck defining responsible in any legal terms that would not get struck down by today’s SCOTUS. “Shall not be infringed” and all that.

The founding fathers never mentioned responsibility.

Right. Responsible gun owner is something the NRA made up so they could encourage more people to buy guns and get funding for the NRA from gun manufacturers. There is a mountain of evidence that suggest broad gun ownership is bad for your average American yet here we are with this imaginary idea.

It’s an imaginary idea that every current gun owner is a responsible one. It’s not an imaginary idea that it’s possible for a given person to be a responsible gun owner.

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There are responsible gun owners out there.

The number of responsible gun owners is noticeably smaller than the number of people who believe they are responsible gun owners.


How would you define “responsible” for this purpose? Less than one expected gun theft, illicit use, or negligent discharge every ___ years?

So dad bought kiddo the AR15 as a holiday gift after knowing his kid was under investigation for threatening to shoot up a school.

Dad has now been arrested too and is facing numerous charges.



I would say dad is not a responsible gun owner.


Nor a gun-owner enabler.

When the FBI knocks on your door asking about your son talking about shooting up a school and you buy him an AR15 a few months later anyway? Lock his ass up for a long time.


This isn’t a comprehensive list, but:

  • Do you strictly adhere to the rules of safe handling?
  • Do you properly clean and maintain your firearm?
  • Do you maintain positive control of your firearm or keep it locked in secure storage at all times? (If your car’s center console or glove compartment, or if your desk’s drawer can be smashed open or is trivial to pick, it’s not secure storage.)
  • If you carry, do you maintain training on how to retain your weapon if someone seeks to disarm you, and do you maintain training on when/how to properly use it in a defense situation?
  • Do you regularly train with your firearm, to ensure proper operation and a reasonable level of marksmanship?
  • When another resident of your home is having trouble, do you ensure they have no access to firearms in the home?
  • When you sell/transfer your firearm, do you make a good-faith effort to ensure that the buyer/recipient is suitable?
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Its a bullshit term intended to sell more guns.

As in I live in a nice area and generally have 0 need to own a gun for “safely” reasons. I could follow all the rules to be a “responsible gun owner” implying the risks can be minimized such that this should be a positive thing in my life, if nothing else, for the safety reasons. I dont believe this to be true based on the statistics available.

Now, you could argue we have shit data on this, to which I will point out the influence of the NRA on any study that might help inform a better decision.

We have been through the various reasons where owning a gun might be more necessary. Living on a farm, shooting coyotes, hunting, etc. I’ll accept those as all plausible needs for responsible gun ownership.

Beyond that, its marketing BS.

When my friends took me to a range to try and convince me that guns are not as dangerous as I thought, one of them screwed up and an employee came in to give him a yellow card violation.

I think his violation was putting in the loaded cartridge while away from the shooting table. I appreciated the safety monitoring of the range but it suggested a level of best practices that went beyond what I think your normal responsible gun owner might practice.

Wrong. Every american needs an AR15 to defend against the hordes of illegal aliens that will rape and pillage whether you do or do not vote for Drumph. Better to get them started early in preschool to be prepared

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Probably a violation of their lawyers’ code.