Group and Health Track FSA Exams

Hi Everyone!

I’m happy to say that PAK has released our study materials for all of the Group Health FSA Exams. This includes study manuals (both full length and condensed), flash cards (ANKI supported), and practice problems/exams, as well as a second exam guarantee.

If you happen to be waiting for exam results, you can feel confident knowing that you can start studying now and put that access on hold should you not get a passing mark.

NOTE: For GHDP, the final reading has not been released yet, but when it does you will get that update included as soon as possible.

Let me know if you have any questions or I can help in any way. I look forward to you joining our group for this next sitting.

Tim - PAK Group Health Track Instructor
PAK_Study_Manual_GHRM_Sample.pdf (1.1 MB)
PAK_Study_Manual_GHVRUS_Sample.pdf (1.2 MB)
PAK_Flash_Cards_GHDP_Sample.pdf (250.7 KB)
PAK_Exam_Aid_GHDP_Sample.pdf (136.0 KB)
PAK_Study_Manual_GHDP_Sample.pdf (605.9 KB)