SOA Fellowship Exams start today. Because the exams are given by CBT, please do not discuss your exam until 6 AM New York time THE DAY AFTER you take the exam.
Good luck to all of you.
SOA Fellowship Exams start today. Because the exams are given by CBT, please do not discuss your exam until 6 AM New York time THE DAY AFTER you take the exam.
Good luck to all of you.
I heard several people had a very delayed start / were not even able to take the exam today because of glitches with Prometric’s system. Supposedly the SOA is working on a retake date (which means extending the blackout).
I’m so sorry for anyone affected. I hope the SOA is reasonable and works this out quickly and seamlessly. Best of luck with this to you- you’re a trooper for pushing through all of it.
Thank you for letting us know. Yes, better not discuss the exam until the SOA works out what is going on. And yes, best of luck to any of you who were affected.
It is now OK to discuss the Monday SOA CBT fellowship exams on GoActuary, and all other SOA CBT fellowship exams can be discussed after 6AM ET the day after the exam. Since it is now after 6AM ET Wednesday, that means any Tuesday exams can be discussed now.