GoA Chess Tournament #1

I agree with 4 groups.

And Lusus should be in A.

If there are 4 groups, would C and D be based on peoplesā€™ current daily ratings?

Also do you know when the tournament may start? Iā€™m currently playing a bunch of people here so I need to know if I should finish off my games with them.

Probably in 2-3 weeks. Usually takes that long to track down everyone

I am in. Group B should be less demoralizing.

Im in favor of finding a way to move down a division!


Iā€™m fine with being in either C or D.

Quick poll:
Do we want to start all games at the same time or have only one game at a time vs each opponent like last time? The problem is itā€™s impossible to have a tournament with only 1 match vs each opponent. It has to be 2.

  • 1 game at a time per opponent
  • Both games vs each opponent start right away
0 voters

Iā€™m torn. 1 game per opponent is better, but the tournament takes way too long. Maybe 3 days per move or something? Otherwise, Iā€™d vote both start at the same time. Maybe we make the groups even smaller (max of 5 per group) and start them simultaneously.

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Agree with AbstractActuary. If there are going to be 5 groups with simultaneous games, please put me in D.

Maybe we could all agree to just draw the second game with the same opponent? Then it doesnā€™t impact the standings after the one game each. And rating shouldnā€™t be hurt/helped too badly by drawing with everyone in your group if thatā€™s important to anyone.

I enjoy playing two games against each person (as long as we are somewhat evenly matched). It makes it fun to see if I can do better the second game after I get to know the player a little bit. But man, some of you guys take forever to finish a game! I get tired of trying to think things through and end up just making a move :crazy_face:

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I play daily chess like itā€™s speed chess. Which is probably why my daily rating is 300-400 points lower than my speed rating.

Easiest way to beat me - take the full three days every time. Iā€™ll have completely forgot all my plans from why I made my previous move.


Or Iā€™ll get so bored of the game Iā€™ll just make fast moves to get it over with.

Maybe change it to 2 days per move? I actually like the idea of having even smaller groups (e.g 5) and doing simultaneous games. Donā€™t really like the idea of auto-drawing games. Recently got a draw (although I shouldā€™ve won it) against someone here who was rated about 600 points higher than me and his rating dropped a lot. Would suck of if that happened just because of an auto-draw.

I could do 3 days per move but disallow vacation (which automatically kicks in to save you from time out if you have it activated). That might help. I think 2 days is too short because one weekend mishap and youā€™re done.

ā€“Actually Iā€™m not sure how vacation works. Do you have to manually turn it on?

3 days should be enough. If you disallow vacation, and that is a deal breaker for some, maybe they just sit out that season when they have a vacation coming up. Me personally, I look forward to doing things like playing chess during relaxing time on my vacations.

I also think groups of 4 or 5 is ideal.

The problem with smaller groups is that the tournament may still last just a long and people play fewer games than before. It seems like one match at a time is popular.

I think what Iā€™ll do is this: Same size groups of 6, same rules as before.

But in a couple months when the majority of games are complete, I will start a free-for-all tournament where everyone can join and there is no hierarchy, separate from our ranked sections. It will allow you to get matchups you arenā€™t used to, and it will be a no-vacation tournament.


@tospeke will be sitting out this round in group A
We are also waiting on devilrox to join, I havenā€™t been able to reach him on the chess website yet.

In group B, it looks like BenedictXVI has declined my invitation, so that group also has 5 players.

In group C, everyone has joined and looks ready to go.

In group D, we are waiting on a few players to join, I just sent out some messages on the website so hopefully that group grows to 5+ players soon.

So I think this time round weā€™ll have a group of 5, 5, 6, and then 5-7 in the final group. (assuming devilrox signs up @MayanActuary did you talk to him?)

I postponed the start date til next week but once we have things in order Iā€™m going to start it up, so hopefully it will begin sometime this week.