GH-Specialty Spring 2022

I went in super not confident. Baby #2 was born in March so I would have skipped this sitting outside of the FSA/PA looming deadline :upside_down_face: …then I found out I passed PA when I took in December so I could have skipped. But I was already registered with study materials purchased so figured what the heck, might as well try. So that’s my context for judging the exam/my performance haha

And I walked out feeling pretty good (as in there’s a chance I may actually pass, not I nailed that). Got answers down for all the questions which I hadn’t expected. I know there’s a couple of places where I missed points but feel decent about the partial credits I’ll get.

I’m still blown by the lack of ASOP questions.
3 of the 4 math questions were straight forward enough. Not 100% sure what the hell they were going for with the RBC question. The wording there was so opaque to me. I got an answer based on my interpretation of what they were asking and I just wrote down a bunch of formulas to lay out my general H2 RBC knowledge so hopefully I lucked out.

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I felt… ok about this sitting, which usually doesn’t bode well for me.

Same. I interpreted that question as looking for what you had to multiply H2 by since everything was proportional.

I walked out feeling like the COVID part was the weakest, so I probably did okay?

Yeah, i consolidated everything into terms of H2. I just didn’t 100% know what they meant when they asked for a marginal change of $800 in RBC mean for increase risk.

I felt like COVID was the easiest to “bs” since it was fairly broad on a bunch of the questions.
I’m annoyed (at myself) they asked for the specific categories on the managed care risk factor. Took the calculate gamble they’d provide those categories for any question and of course they asked for them in general and didn’t even really have you use them.

Felt good on the MCO question. Didn’t get it all but got all the parts except for remembering how to calculate the imputed ERG for the short duration people. I made an assumption on it and moved on but I think I nailed the rest

I just adjusted by RBCAC by that number and then worked backwards. In hindsight, maybe they weren’t looking for a factor. Maybe it was new H2 - old H2.

No ASOPs was a big surprise, considering the last two sittings.

Yeah, I think my answer was something “an increase in H2 by X would require an increase of $800 in RBC” who knows

I did “this is the scalar to multiply H2 by for that impact” Guessing I won’t get full credit for that.

That’s what I did too.

I couldn’t for the life of me remember specifics about “Business Risk”. I could have put stuff down for any other component of the RBC formula…

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oh yeah; forgot about that one. Totally punted on it with some business “risks” that were definitely not outlined in the materials

I remembered some of H4 for whatever reason. Wrote about admin and the ASO/ASC part.

Does anybody else share the fear that it was a fair exam relative to past sittings, and that the distribution of points earned will be super tight? Implying that a decent chunk of people who think they should earn a pass will still fail because it’s graded on a curve?


Yes. I keep telling people who say “it sounds like you passed” how good might not be good enough.

Agree with what everyone else has said. Thought it was an easier exam. Some questions I fumbled a tad on, mentioned by others, but nothing straight out of left field. Given the straightforward exam plus that many candidates were especially prepared for this exam due to the PA deadline, I’m very concerned about the curve! Hope the pass rate is very high this time.

Does a randomized controlled study eliminate bias? I sad it does but now I’m thinking maybe it just reduces bias

Anyone remember the question breakdown, I think it was like this:

  1. Propensity Scores
  2. Opportunity analysis
  3. RBC
  4. Medicare and Medicaid Risk adjustment
  5. ACOs
  6. COVID

Did that question say eliminate? Seems like it’d have to be false. I wrote something about the Hawthorne Effect/behavior changing from being observed.

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That looks about right to me. Specifically, question 6 came from the ORSA-COVID source.

I said it did not fully eliminate bias. Forget whether that meant the statement was TRUE or FALSE haha

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