New one for me:
The kids at J2’s school are obsessed with it. Anyone have any direct or indirect experience with it?
New one for me:
The kids at J2’s school are obsessed with it. Anyone have any direct or indirect experience with it?
I played it as a kid, can get quite competitive and is a lot of fun!
Mini Me’s school has this, but you have to be in 2nd grade or higher to play gaga ball… she was SO excited when she was finally old enough.
Didn’t know it was a Jewish thing, but I’m in a pretty Jewish part of town, so it’s not shocking either.
Kids summer camp a couple of years ago had a gaga pit — they enjoyed it a lot.
There are 2 things that make this better than dodgeball
Wait, what?
Are you saying the gaga pit actually changes size??? Or am I misunderstanding something?
Yes, my oldest son and foster son are very into this. No idea why, but it seems to drum up a lot of drama between the kids.
Are you saying yes, the gaga pit changes size?
No, i was responding to the OP, not to you, hadn’t read down. The pit couldn’t change size at my kids’ school, but maybe there are borders inside they have to stay within when there are fewer players, idk.
Where I played the “pit” was made out of folding tables turned sideways and as more people got out they took out tables and made the area smaller.
They had a pit at the camp the school visits in 6th grade. Kids liked it so much school had three built at the school.
Interesting. I’m pretty sure the gaga pit at Mini Me’s school does not change size!
the pits i have seen at parks looked like toddler MMA octogons. i had to be told that wasn’t what they were for…
More or less had this as early as the 90s, not exact but may have been related or just convergent evolution. We called it cornerball, 4 corners of a concrete slab. The “leader” in the first spot served, and as other kids got knocked out they advanced from the 4th place, to 3rd, 2nd, and finally 1st if they don’t get knocked out. Those knocked out go to the back of the line.
Kind of like how “the storm” in Fortnite makes the play area smaller
What you’re describing sounds more like four square, where the goal is not to hit other kids with a ball, but make the ball unable to be returned, and all kids have to stay in their assigned square. Gaga is closer to dodgeball than four square.
Ah yes, that was the other name (and more popular one).
I believe we had a rule that if it hit you and bounced, you were out, thus is was a question of hitting to the corner for them to miss or slinging it at their feet. (or head, we went off playground rules)
I think you’re right about being out of it hits you without you catching it (although that’s not how we played at my school), because my youngest son refuses to play it because he thinks that rule is not fair. He also won’t play gaga, and I’m sure dodgeball would be out for him.
Wow, I thought this was a made up game when I was a camp counselor in my teens. It was very fun for everyone and could be played in virtually any room.
Gotta check this one out next time I tune into ESPN8